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Years Before Christ: The Rejected Annals of All Nations Synchronized with the Book of Jubilees and the Archaeological Record, by Ras Feqade 2012 AD

(For previous events, see A New History of Egypt (2008))

28th Century BC[]

  • 2755 BC - Here JAH sent the great flood destroying the 8th dynasty and all apart from the family of Noh aboard the Ark. (KUF)
  • 2754 BC - Here Noh with his family left the Ark atop Mt. Ararat. (KUF)
  • 2753 BC - Here Sem begat his 3rd son Arpachsad after Elam and Asshur. (KUF, GEN)
  • 2746 BC - Here Noh planted grapes on Mt Ararat. [KUF]
  • 2743 BC - Here Noh made grape wine [KUF]
  • 2742 BC - Here Noh cursed Canaan on account of Kam; Kam, Yaphet and Shem founded villages around Mt Ararat. (KUF)
  • 2739 BC - Here Noh began to teach his children godly laws until 2691 BC. (KUF)

27th Century BC[]

  • 2691 BC - Noh continued to teach his children godly laws from 2739 BC until this date.
  • 2690 BC - Here Arpachsad aged 63 married Rasueya, daughter of Susan son of Elam.
  • 2688 BC - Here Arpachsad begat Cainan.
  • 2634 BC - Here Cainan aged 54 married Melka, daughter of Madai son of Japheth.
  • 2631 BC - Here Cainan begat Salah.

26th Century BC[]

  • 2564 BC - Here Salah aged 67 married Muak, daughter of Kesed son of Arpachsad.
  • 2560 BC - Here Salah begat Eber.
  • 2552 BC - Here Noh begat his 4th son Barwain.

25th Century BC[]

In 2499 BC, Eber married Azurad daughter of Nemrod. In 2496 BC Peleg was born to Eber and Azurad. In the year 2494 BC, or in the 1569th year of creation, as the book of Kufale tells, the whole Earth was divided into three parts for Shem, Ham and Japheth, and into 16 subregions for their children. However, all three races were then still camped in the areas from Ararat to Shinar (Mesopotamia). In 2486 BC Peleg son of Eber married Lomna of Shinar, and in 2483 BC they had their son Reu. In 2467 BC, Nimrod son of Kush, known to archaeology as Enmerkar, founded the city of Eridu (Babil) in Shinar, and he began compelling the construction of the ziggurat tower as head foreman, assisted by Joktan son of Eber for Shem’s offspring, and Samothes son of Rodis (or Rodanim, son of Yawan) for Japheth’s. About this same year, Magog son of Japheth migrated away from Shinar, to the far north of his allotted portion where he founded what is now the city of Turku, Finland. Joktan smuggled out 12 men, including his sons Almodad, Abimael, Sheba and Ophir, who would not build the tower, which annoyed Nimrod and Samothes.

In 2453 BC, Madai son of Japheth returned to the Ararat region from crossing the Black Sea, and declared that he would forsake his still empty inheritance in Europe in order to stay near the brothers of his wife, who was a daughter of Shem. He and his family settled in the valley of the Araxes, part of Ashur’s allotment. This resulted in a reapportionment of much of Europe; Samothes was granted the portions of Madai’s territory west of the Rhine river, while those parts east of the Rhine were put under the administration of Tuiscon - who may have been the same as Ashkenaz son of Gomer (as James Anderson asserted). In addition, compensating Shem’s offspring for Madai’s new homeland, those areas of Europe south of the Danube river (apart from Italy), which had previously been part of the lands bequeathed to Tubal and Magog, were now reassigned to the families of Joktan and Meshech.

Noah left the region in 2451 BC to explore the Mediterranean coasts of Europe by ship, leaving colonies at the mouth of the Rhone and Tiber (2449 BC), and in 2447 BC settling at what is now Genoa in Italy. By the next year, Nimrod had established three more settlements in Shinar: Uruk, Akkad and Haran. Uruk became his capital, as from 2443 BC he claimed the title of ruler over all humanity and instituted the constructed language Emegir. Haran was mostly settled by the families of Aram and Arphaxad, sons of Shem, while their brother Ashur had settlements at Ashur, Nineveh and Kish. The Sumerian king list affirms that Kish was founded by a certain ‘Ngushur’.

Japheth left to found Antioch for Javan in 2441 BC (Couillard) and Japha for Tubal, then visited Greece and Magogia and left Gomer and Riphath in their inheritance in 2439 BC. Ham is also indicated by Couillard to have visited the site of Alexandria with a few colonists in 2437 BC. Nimrod's brother Sebtah and his son Eskutes in Armenia formulated the principles of Scythianism 2436-2428 BC. In 2425 BC Nimrod introduced a writing system for Emegir.

In 2424 BC, winds overturned the tower after 43 years of construction. In this same year, Sueno and Gethar, sons of Magog, first planted colonies in what is now Sweden. Many Hamites had been using dialects similar to the old Cainite language, Ancient Egyptian, as it was taught to them by their mother, Nahalath, who had been on the Ark. Shemites had tended to use something closer to old Sethite, or Ge’ez. Nimrod likely had Sumerian constructed as an artificial common language, but this only increased confusion in vocabulary. The tribe of Elam, who founded Susa in ca. 2421 BC, began devising their own glyphs and speech, and those in Hamazi, between Elam and Asshur, were speaking a number of dialects. Those of Akkad in central Mesopotamia, Asshur (Shubur) east of the northern Tigris, and Canaan (Martu) west of the northern Euphrates continued to use ‘Semitic’ dialects, as did Aram in northern Mesopotamia, and Arphaxad (Chaldea or Kesedim) west of the southern Euphrates.

In 2417 BC, as the Hamites passed toward their allotment beyond the Nile river, Canaan refused to go farther and squatted with his family intending to be permanently in ‘Martu’ - the area of Syria west of the Euphrates and the Jordan valley, despite it being Arphaxad’s allotment by agreement. Petra was occupied by them from around this time, while the Arphaxadites expanded southward into Arabia. In this same year, Nimrod had a wall constructed separating Martu from his realms in Shinar and Akkad, where they were already encroaching, as recorded in a cuneiform tablet known as ‘Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird’. In 2416 BC he incorporated the Territory of Asshur or Shuwur as a vassal.

In the confusion of vocabulary resulting from the proliferation of languages and dialects following the downfall of the tower at Eridu, all the tribes or peoples sought to define their own terms, and in several cases, scripts. Riphath son of Gomer travelled to Shinar in 2415 BC and after studying and comparing several of them, constructed yet another language, and the scripts adopted by many of the Japethites, then still largely concentrated in the Ararat region. This was the ancestor of all the so-called Indo-European languages. The following year, Nimrod forcefully asserted his authority over the neighboring region of Hamazi, but could not do so over Skythes, ruler of the Sakas of Aratta. Also in that year, Gomer son of Japheth arrived at Noah’s settlements in Italy and began to rule that colony, now known as Gomera, though technically within the allotment of Tubal. Tubal himself sailed to Italy in 2412 BC, and founded a settlement at Ravenna before continuing on to Spain (Tubalia) where he founded Tarragona, named for his son Tarraho, and many more cities during his long reign there. He left in Italy another son Subres, who additionally founded Milan. In that same year, Samothes settled Nantes in his region west of the Rhine, known as Samothea.

In 2409 BC, the Hamites having reached the Nile, Misraim established himself in Egypt, with the throne name Wahkare or Wahkyanus, and began seeking to emulate the old kingdom monarchy from before the flood that had left behind abundant hieroglyphic records in Ancient Egyptian, along with the pyramids, Sphinx, etc, which texts were republished through the energies of his wife, Tethys. In 2408 BC Asshur founded Nineveh and again split from Nimrod. In 2406 BC, Havilah settled in Yemen, Cush in Ethiopia with Kam as its first king. In this same year, Noah passed away at his home near the mouth of the Don. In 2401 BC, Put was sent to Tritonia (now Tunisia), and Havilah son of Cush in Getulia (Algeria), while Japheth continued across the Atlantic to found Atelan.

24th Century BC[]

In 2399 BC, Nimrod surrounded the capital of Aratta with a large force attempting to force it to submit to him, but there were as yet no battles on Earth. In that same year, Tuiscon crossed the Don (Tina) river eastward with a large body of colonists, including the families of Joktan (or Ister) and Mesha, and he began apportioning the land into subkingdoms and provinces. First Hazarmaveth received Sarmatia, between the Don and Vistula rivers. Beyond the Vistula, encountering Gethar’s tribe, Tuiscon made him tributary as well, and established Danus on the south side of the Baltic. Then striking south, he reached the Tisa, where he left Tibiscus in charge. South of the Danube, allotments were given for Meshech in Moesia, Ophir in Epirus, Saba in Serbia, Jadera in Illyria, Dalmata (Almodad) in Dalmatia, Cainan and Salah in Pannonia, Ister and Eber in Noricum, now Austria and Bavaria, and Adulas east of the Inn river, before himself settling on east of the lower Rhine river, founding what is now Duisberg, Cologne, Bonn, and Doesburg in the Netherlands. Other settlements begun by the new colonists include Mesembria, now Nesebir Bulgaria; Jadera, now Zadar in Croatia; Sala, now Zalalovo Hungary, another Sala, now Maria Saal Austria; Ebersheim, now Stockerau near Vienna, Adlerburg, now Straubing and other places in Bavaria and Austria south of the Danube.

In the following year, Nimrod was killed while seiging Aratta, and was succeeded by his commander, Lugalbanda (spelled ‘Khalbator’ by Bar Konai, but omitted by many post-cuneiform chronographies), who brought Aratta into temporary subjection and returned to Uruk. He was soon succeeded in Uruk, after only six years, by Dumuzid in 2392 BC, who was despotic like his predecessors. By around this time Akshak, Adab and Umma had been founded in Sumer. Tuiscon added Belgica to the Seine in 2389 BC, Samothes added Hedua (Autun Burgundy) in 2388 BC, In 2387 Sebtah succeeded his son Scythes in Saga and in 2386 BC, the Sagas expanded from Aratta north and east of the Caspian and as far as Bactria (Baksish), now Afghanistan. At the same time Barwain, the fourth son of Noah born after the flood, planted a colony in Hyrcania (now northern Iran), then founded the city of Awan in Elam, with help from Japhethite architects according to the account ascribed to Methodius. In 2384 BC, some of the tribe of Gomer, under Ganges (Chi You) also travelled eastward as far as the Ganges river, where they settled as far as the Yangtze river. In 2382 BC, Reu married Ura.

In 2381 BC Barwain founded the country of Shennong far to the east, called Heliochora by that same author, teaching use of the hoe there among other things. Next to them a colony of Ashur was founded, known as Yoshong and led by Hwangdi. Mebarasi (Kambiros) of Kish founded Nippur. In 2379 BC, the Massagetae and Alans were established under Tuiscon east of the Don river. These were Shemites descended from Mash and Gether and their father Aram, sent there by Tuiscon, although there is some confusion of their names with both Meshech son of Japheth, and Gethar or Gauthos son of Magog. (The Japhethite tribe of Meshech are probably the Balkan Mushki of Moesia, along with their subtribes of Brigi and Bithyni. The Mushki also soon crossed the Atlantic and established colonies along the Cimarron and Merrimack rivers, in Atelan or Moshakia, while some Canaanites took possession of their inheritance south of the 36th parallel.) Also in 2379 BC, Dumuzid of Uruk recognized the nations of Magog, Meshech (Moesia, ie the nearest province of Tuysconia), Madai (ie Aratta Saga) and Asshur (including Kish); and Lud founded Maeonia in his inheritance of Anatolia.

In 2376 BC, the city of Ur was founded by Ur son of Kesed of the tribe of Arphaxad, and Serug was born. In this same year, battles began to be fought on earth, beginning with Mebarasi of Kish, whose force defeated an Elamite army that had formed against him. However, the following year Dumuzid captured Mebarasi, who was then succeeded in Kish and Nippur by Aga, who also obtained control of the Assembly of Umma. In 2374 BC, Peleg passed in Ur and his nephews Saba, Ophir and Obal, sons of Joktan who had settled in the Balkans, formationed warriors alongside those of Sarmatia and began to attack the Scythians already advancing out of their Araxes settlement and into the inheritance of Asshur beyond the Don. This would continue sporadically until 2321 BC when Barwain resettled them in Asia. Dumuzid, presiding in opulence over an impoverished nation, was toppled by a revolt in Sumer by men of Adab, Akshak, Uruk, Ur and Nippur, and pursued to Harran, where he was betrayed by Inanna, formerly queen to Scythes and then Nimrod. Bel Shamin, later known as Gilgamesh and Belus, after 7 years of turmoil in Shinar, became king of Uruk in 2367 BC and defeated Aga, seizing Nippur, Kish and Umma. The notion of the Sumerian king list that Bilgamesh' father was a ‘phantom’ refers to the party that overturned Dumuzid’s regime, who are also called ‘phantoms’ in the Sumerian Dumuzid literature. In 2365 BC, Gomer returned from Scythia to his kingdom in Gomera, Italy, bringing with him the art of making chariots driven by horse, which also served as mobile homes. The city of Vetulonia was founded by him at this time.

In 2362 BC, Okus Weyus succeeded Gomer in Gomera. In 2361 BC, Hwangdi of Yoshong organized 20 officers under his command. In 2353 BC Gomer II, another son of Togarmah, migrated with his subjects to Crimea, within the region of Hazarmaveth. In 2352 BC, Tiras son of Japheth, and Hamath and Arkad sons of Canaan migrated with colonies to the Balkans together, from their settlements in Martu. Tiras sailed from Tyre to Tyras at the mouth of the Dniester; Hamath from Hamat to Emathia, later Macedonia, and Arkad from Arqat to Arcadia, now the Peloponnese. In 2346, Kam left the throne of Kush to his son Kush, and went to Egypt. In 2342 BC Hwangdi annexed Shennong and founded the Hwashia nation, defeating Barwain who withdrew to Awan in Elam, leaving his grandson Loc Duc to found the state of Xich Quy in N. Vietnam. Kam assumed the throne in Egypt from his son Wahkyanus Misraim, taking the Egyptian throne name Kheti. Some of his words survive in the later ‘Teaching for Merykare’. Kam allied with Bel Shamin, which Barwain protested in a letter to Belshamin, but Belshamin was killed by Hayk son of Togarmah later that same year in the campaign against Aratta, and his son Urnungal succeeded him in Uruk. In 2339 BC, Nenual succeeded Riphath in Northern Scythia. Mesannepada of Ur, also known as Mesilim, seized control of most cities of Sumer from Urnungal, including Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Adab and Lagash. The city of Mari, Syria was founded under Ansud around this time.

In 2333 BC Gomer II moved on from Crimea and settled in Jutland. In 2323 BC, Hwangdi of Hwashia defeated Ganges at the battle of Zhuolu. Ganges was succeeded by Chiaktuk, who retired to Shinshi (now Korea) while another faction (Miao) remained south of the Yangtze under Tutan. Wahkyanus Misraim was reestablished in Egypt with the throne name Meryibre or Meribtawe Kheti as his father Kam left him the throne to go to Crete. At the same time, Barwain organized Saba, Obal and Ophir into kingdoms, two in Yemen along with Havilah and Abimael, and one on the Indus. These five sons of Joktan had decided not to remain in Europe. In 2319 BC, Serug married Milcah, daughter of Kaber son of Peleg, and their son Nahor was born in Ur; Magus was b. to Samothes. In 2317 BC Samothes received tribute at Lorriz on the Loire and in 2314 BC, he established a constitution there.

In 2312 BC, Kam arrived in Gomera with a large force, took over the throne from Okus Weyus, and began to misrule Italy. Barwain arrived that year from Saba to the colony of Tritonia, and Hammon succeeded to the throne there, with his wife Rhea as queen. By this time, Scythes had left the throne of Aratta Saga to Sebtah son of Kush, who was also left Awan by Janus Barwain, and Mesannepada of Sumer and Chaldea made war on Sebtah. The Scythians at this time expanded their settlements as far as the Don river bordering Sarmatia.

In 2309 BC, Ubbo succeeded Sueno in Sweden; he built his capital at Gamla Uppsala. In 2306 BC, Mesannepada was succeeded in Ur by Meskiagnuna, also known as Ninus. The next year Gethar died, and the Goths in Sweden transferred from Tuiscon to Ubbo. In 2304 BC Hwangdi’s son Changyi left the Hwashya court in this year to settle on the Rwoshwey river to the north. In 2302 BC, Constitutional laws were established in Tuysconia. In that year Elamites (allied with Saga) seized Nippur, the capital and ‘holy city’ of Sumer, from Meskiagnuna of Ur, and claimed suzerainty for Awan; Lagash defeated Ur and Umma and became independent under Urnanshe with Elamite support.

23rd Century BC[]

In 2300 BC, Arkad was succeded in Arcadia by Europs. In 2296 BC, Barwain went from Hammon to Tubalia which also established a constitution that year; while there he founded Noela and Noegla on the Atlantic coast, after the name of Kam’s wife. Many other cities were being built in Tubalia during Tubal’s reign including what are now Amposta, Tafela, Tudela, Toledo, Merida and Setubal. In the kingdom of Kush, Kush was succeeded by Habassi.

2293 BC, the 25th year of Nahor, is when the agony of Job occurred, according to the calculations of Michael the Syrian and Bar Hebraeus. In 2287 BC, Barwain came to Gomera and to his displeasure found Kam ruling there. He tolerated this for 3 years and in 2284 BC drove Kam to Sicily, where he founded Camesena, now Acireale. Barwain founded Janiculum, now part of Rome, and banished Kam’s party to Curetes, south of the Tiber; he established the state of Razenua between the Tiber and Arno rivers. In 2282 BC, Hwangdi died and there was an earthquake in Hwashya; his son Shaohao assumed the throne. In 2276 BC Chukdari succeeded Chiaktuk in Shinshi, Partholon, a Magogite exiled from Sweden, settled in Ireland with 1000 colonists, and Akurgal succeeded Urnanshe in Lagash. In 2275 BC, Tsangchye, who had been Hwangdi’s chief minister, made Gaoyang son of Changyi, king of Hwasya with the throne name Zhuansu, deposing Shaohao. Barwain founded Florence.

In 2273 BC, Kam took Hammon’s wife Rhea, his sister, and in 2272 BC, they invaded the kingdom of Hammon from Sicily with the Titans and took over, forcing Hammon to exile in Crete. In 2271 BC Apis was born. In 2266 BC Kalbum drove Sebtah out of Sumer and assumed the hegemony; Partholon defeated a force from Curetes, Gomera (Fomorians) that had settled across the Irish Sea and raided Eire. In 2263 BC, Nahor married Iyoska. Also in that year, Sebtah left Aratta and Awan to Barzanes, and went to his father’s land of Kush, where he succeeded Habassi as king. In this same year Dionysus, illegitimate son of Hammon who had grown up in Kush, retook his father’s kingdom, Tritonia, in the war known to later historians as the Titanomachy. He forced Kam and Rhea back to Egypt, where he appointed their son, Apis, whom he had adopted, as Per'on Barsanos (Bar-Esenus or Sa-Khety). That year also, Zhuansu made innovations to the Chinese calendar zodiac.

In 2258 BC Cainan died, leaving Salah as ruler of Pannonia. In 2257 BC, Terah was born in Ur to Nahor and Iyoska. Iberus in that year succeeded his father Tubal in Tubalia, which now became known as Iberia. Some accounts say Tubal had been preparing to attack Getulia when he died. During his reign, Iberus founded two cities both named Illiberis, one near Granada, and one at Elne near the edge of his territory extending beyond the Pyrenees into southern France. In 2255 BC, Zhuansu wrote a piece of music called ‘The Answer to the Clouds’; Telchines succeeded Europs in Arcadia, and Magus succeeded his father Samothes in Samothea, during his reign founding many new settlements in his name to the edges of his territory, as well as across the channel in what is now England. The following year, Barzanes of Aratta and Awan defeated Meskiagnuna, killing him. He also stole an idol from Nahor, who was priest of Ur. Meskiagnuna’s queen Shamgan succeeded him in Ur. Isis born in Egypt, sister of Osiris. In 2253 BC, Sebtah left Kush and visited Iberia, where he founded Saguntum.

In 2249 BC, an earthquake destroyed the idols in the Nippur temple. In 2248 BC, Mannus succeeded his father Tuiscon in Tuiscones, he founded his capital at Mannheim on the Rhine. In 2246 BC, Eannatum succeeded Akurgal in Lagash, and Partholon died in Eire. In 2242 BC, Barwain of Razenua put Sebtah in charge of Curetes. In 2238 BC, Kalbum of Kish defeated Barzanes’ Elamite infantry on the Tigris with an army that included elephants, and therafter Kalbum spread idolatry to the defeated Aratta. However in 2237 BC he was killed by Eannatum of Lagash, while Hadanish of Hamazi was able to seize Nippur. Eannatum, also known as Lumma, Hadanish, and Shamgan then partitioned Sumer. In 2235 BC, in Arcadia Thelxion succeeded Telchines, who fled to Rhodes.

In 2232 BC, Sebtah put Saba in charge of Curetes. In 2229 BC, Lud died in Maeonia after a very long reign. In 2228 BC, Apis left the throne of Egypt temporarily to Neferkare or Karemon, while he and his father Kam visited Hadanish to learn their idolatry. Sodom, Gomorrah and Zoar were founded in Canaan at this time. The following year, Brigus, son of Meshech, was made a duke by Mannus and built Brigantion and Artsburg in the south of Mannica. In 2224 BC, Apis returned to Egypt and resumed rule, calling himself Osiris, which was a name for the deified Cain before the flood.

In 2220 BC, Iubelda succeeded Iberus in Iberia, and Hyokdase succeeded Chukdari in Shinshi. In 2219 BC, the Nippur temple was again destroyed, this time by a tornado. In 2214 BC, Herman, a commander of Mannus, seized Maeonia north of the Caicus river with contingents of Brigi, Moesians and Bithynians. The following year Mannus had a son whom he named Herminon. In 2212 BC, Nanni Zames succeeded Queen Shamgan in Ur; meanwhile Sebtah died, and Barwain made his own son Cranus governor of Curetes south of the Tiber. Also, Jerome indicates that Cres founded Knossos in Crete in this year.

In 2208 BC, after Ubbo in Sweden began a five year interregnum. In c. 2207 BC, Enshakushanna of Uruk seized Nippur from Hadanish and claimed the sovereignty of all Sumer, although Lumma of Lagash was still an independent rival. Lumma over the next few years began to seize other cities in and near Sumer, and subject them into his empire, including Mari, Asshur, Kish and Ur, where Nanni Zames remained as nominal governor. In 2205 BC Sarron succeeded Magus in Samothea, founding his capital at Old Sarum, England, and a University at Toulouse during his reign. The next year, Treber crossed the Rhine into Sarron’s territory and began founding a number of towns including Triers and Strasbourg. Some accounts would make him a son of Ninus, others a son of Mannus of Mannica. In 2203 BC, Barwain died and his son Cranus succeeded him in Razenua; and Siggo became king in Sweden, founding his capital at Sigtuna. Also at this time, Apis and his sister called Isis developed wheat in Egypt.

22nd Century BC[]

In 2198 BC Zhuansu died; Shuqe raised disorder among the Shennong, but it was suppressed by prince Gawsin, who took the throne of Hwashia as Ku. Salah died in Pannonia, and the Goths of Geatland got their own ruler, Erik, and independence from Siggo of Sweden.

In 2196 BC, Nebir was put in charge of Kush, and in 2192 BC, Nebkaure of Egypt, in the absence of Apis in Canaan. Also in 2193 BC, Terah married Edna in Ur. In 2189 BC Eannatum of Lagash seized Uruk and Nippur from Enshakushanna, but then was killed before he could be crowned king of Sumer in Nippur, and by 2188 BC Enshakushanna’s son Lugalkinishedudu succeeded to the hegemony over Uruk, Nippur, Kish and Ur, while Enannatum succeeded Eannatum in Lagash, and Mari became independent again. Nahor and Abram the sons of Serug both died at this time, possibly in the fighting between Uruk and Lagash over Ur, still nominally led by Nanni Zames. In 2187 BC, Terah bore Abram II (Abraham) in Ur, grandson of both late sons of Serug. In 2183 BC, Aegyrus succeeded Thelxion in Arcadia, and the following year, Entemena became king in Lagash and was allied with Uruk against Umma. In 2182 BC, Ingevon succeeded his father Mannus in Tuiscones, and declared his parents, Mannus and Sunna, to be deities, and Ku of Hwashia sent his general Chung against the Yukwai region.

In 2182 BC, Nanni Zames of Ur, now independent, seized Nippur and the hegemony of Sumer briefly from Uruk. In 2175 BC, Kam, who had become king of Bactrian empire, attacked Nanni but was defeated in Syria and beheaded. The following year, Lugal-Kisalsi, also called Arius and Argandea, became king in Uruk, Kish and Ur, defeating Nanni's successor Meskiang-Nanna; in his reign he subjected all Bactria, including the Caspian region. In 2173 BC, Cranus of Razenua put Aurunus in charge of Curetes. The year after that, Abram invented the ox-drawn plough in Ur at the age of 15. This invention, over the next few years, spread throughout Mesopotamia, and into Martu and Canaan, where it attracted the attention of Apis and Isis, who were already engaged in agricultural supervision there.

In 2166 BC, Sarah was born to Terah in Ur, and Amen became ruler in Kush. In 2159 BC, Senen succeeded Nebkaure in Egypt. In 2155 BC, the Goths too instituted idolatry. In 2154, Hyarbas succeeded in Tritonia, and Brigus, the son of Meshech who had been a commander for Mannus, was sent to Spain to succeed Iubelda in Iberia. He had numerous cities built in his name in the west of Iberia during his reign there. In 2153 BC, Enannatum II succeeded Entemena in Lagash. In 2150 BC, Aurunus succeeded Cranus in Rasenna, and In 2149 BC, Thurimachos succeeded Aegyrus in Arcadia, or Aegialea. and in 2148 BC Keobuldan succeeded Hyokdase in Shinshi.

In 2146 BC, Queen Nehasset Nays succeeded Amen in Kush, and Lycurgus, king of Thrace, expelled Mopsus the Moesian and Sipylus the Scythian into Ingevon’s territory. In 2144, Sarron, returning from visiting Isis in Canaan, drowned off the isthmus of Corinth; Druis succeeded him in Samothea; Lugal-anne-Mundu of Adab, also known as Amraphel, usurped Arius’ empire including Nippur, Ur, Sumer, Elam, Marhashi, Asshur, Gutium and Hamazi. In 2143 BC, Siggo died in Sweden, and around that year the warrior queen Myrina seized Tritonia from Hyarbas. By some accounts she was a daughter of Japheth. She went on to seize Getulia and even Atelan with her army of female warriors, but could not defeat the Gorgons, or Canaanites south of the 36th parallel. She then returned to ravage Iberia. In 2141 BC, Inachos became the first king of Argos on the Pelopponese.

In 2139 BC, Merykare succeeded Senen in Egypt. The following year, Abram married Sara in Ur. In 2136 BC, Istevon succeeded Ingevone in Tuiscones. In 2134 BC, Zhi succeeded Ku in Hwasya. By then Myrina had advanced through Egypt, with whom she was at peace, and seized Martu, Hatti and Maeonia, prompting the Griponi tribe to flee to Razenua in that year. Myrina then seized some Aegean islands and founded a temple on Samothrace. She and her commanders founded the settlements of Myrina, Mytilene, Priene, Cyme, and Pitane which were named after them. In 2132 BC, the Sinite tribe, cowherders who had emigrated from Canaan, entered Kush and settled in the highlands of Ethiopia, and in 2131 BC, Bardus succeeded Druis in Samothea

In 2127 BC, Abram burned down the temple in Ur, and took refuge in Haran. The next year, the tribe of Auson fled Syria by sea to take refuge in eastern Italy, and Myrina crossed into Europe, invading Emathia and Epirus. In 2125 BC, Zhi was deposed, and Yao succeeded him in Huashia. In 2119 BC, Istevone, king of Tuiscones, sent the generals Mopsus and Sipylus against Myrina, whose force had advanced north in the Balkans as far as the Save river. They defeated her there; she and most of her army were slain. Mopsus continued the campaign to liberate the territory she had seized, through Cilicia as far as Martu. Igrish-Halab in Ebla, Iblul-Il in Mari and Asshur. And in 2115 BC, Apis returned to the throne in Kush as Horkam, succeeding Queen Nehasset. In 2114 BC, Yao formed a standing army in Hwashia.

In 2113 BC, Lugal-anne-mundu and his Elamite vassal Kudur-lagamar defeated Merykare and annexed the region of Sodom. Apis returned to Egypt around this time and established a new capital in the south at Thebes with the throne name Mentuhotep. In 2112 BC, Abraham was blessed and began to learn the holy language, as the Book of Kufale says. In 2111 BC, the region of Juso submitted to Yao. In 2110 BC, Abraham moved to Canaan from Haran, and that year, Aurunus of Rasenna put Malot Tages in charge of Curetes. The following year, Malot Tages succeeded Aurunus in Razenua. Also in that year, Hebron was built in Canaan, and Damascus was resettled with Hittites by Mopsus. In 2107 BC there was a famine in Canaan, and Abraham went from Canaan to Egypt where he and Sara met Apis, and in Hwashia, Yao established the Ministry of Works. Irkab-Damu in Ebla, Nizi / Enna-Dagan in Mari, Tudiya in Assyria.

In 2104 BC, Leucippus succeded Thurimachus in Aegialea. Hida’ar in Mari. In 2102 BC, Avaris (Tanis) was built in northern Egypt, and the Canaanite tribe of Ayner Arwad migrated to Kush on account of the famine in Canaan. Also that year, Tagus Orma succeeded Brigus in Iberia, calling his kingdom Taga, and Phoroneus succeeded Inachos in Argos; Ishar Damu in Ebla

21st Century BC[]

In 2100 BC, Abraham returned from Egypt to Bethel in Canaan, and Sodom rebelled from their tributary status to Elam; also Phaeton settled his people in Gomera on the Po river, having finally found a home after his sojourns following their displacement from Canaan by Myrina. Dangun Imgum was made king in Gojoseon, formerly Shinshi. In 2099 BC occured the War of Kings in which Abraham’s army defeated Lugal-anne-mundu, Tudiya, Kudur-Lagamar, Ariok?.. Lugal-anne-mundu of Adab’s empire broke apart in the wake of this defeat, as city governors declared their independence. Sharumiter (Hida’ar) became independent in Mari, Lugalanda in Lagash, Puzur-nirah in Akshak, and Lugal-zagesi (Baleus Xerxes) in Umma. Sharumiter at first controlled Nippur, along with the title King of the Land. At the same time, in Northern Egypt Merykare Kheti in Heracleopolis rebelled against Mentuhotep Apis in Thebes.

In 2098 BC, Ishmael was born to Abraham and Hagar in Canaan; Ibrium vizier for Ishar-Damu in Ebla, treaty w. Tudiya of Assyria. In 2097 BC the ‘pygmies’ submitted to Yao in Hwashya. In 2094 BC, after a harsh and oppressive tyranny in Lagash by Lugalanda, he was replaced by a populist reformer, Urukagina; Thessalus son of Graecus became king in Thessaly (Jerome)In 2092 BC, Puzur-nirah captured Nippur and the hegemony of Sumer from Mari, though Mari took Nagar. In 2090 BC, Urukagina issued a legal code for Lagash which included the banning of wives taking more than one husband. The next year, Puzur-nirah of Akshak was deposed by the Nippur priesthood and replaced with Queen Kugbau, who had formerly been a popular Kish tavern hostess. In 2087 BC, Baleus seized Lagash from Urukagina. The next year, Saba I became independent from Apis in Kush.

In 2084 BC, fires poured from the sky, not only destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, but in volcanic eruptions in Italy at Vesuvius, Cumae, and on the Danube, and a bright star was seen in Hwashya with other signs. Abraham went to Beersheba in that year, and Isaac was born; Herminon succeeded Istevone in Germany; his capital was at Hermansheim, now Regensburg. Apis campaigned against Kush in that year. The next year, Ur-zababa succeeded Kugbau in Nippur; Ibbi-Zikir vizier for Ishar-Damu in Ebla. Apis again campaigned against Kush in 2082 BC, conquering Nubia as far as the 2nd cataract. In 2081 BC, Hagar and Ishmael journeyed to Paran; and the Telchines and Megarans made war on Phoroneus of Inachia in the Pelopponese. In 2077 BC, Baleus Xerxes destroyed Kish and seized Nippur from Ur-zababa. In 2076 BC, Ogyges became king in Attica. In 2073 BC, Betus succeeded Tagus in Iberia, calling his kingdom Turdetania, and Merykare Kheti was defeated by Apis Mentuhotep. The next year, Melchizidek established Jerusalem. In 2072 BC In 2071 BC, Phaeton / Wato left his son Ligur in Liguria and went to Egypt and Nubia, but as there was a famine, took his tribe (Weyto Semar) to Kush. In 2069 BC, Sharukin (Sargon) of Akkad seized Sumer from Baleus Xerxes; Ibbi-Zikir viz. of Ebla defeated Hida’ar of Mari. Ishqi-Mari succeeded in Mari, and Antef I (Typhon) became governor in Egypt as Apis again toured Africa, Asia and Europe to spread use of the plough.

In 2068 BC, Abraham and Isaac went to Mt Zion, then returned to Beersheba. Longho succeeded Bardus in Samothea; Yao banished his son Chu to Tanshui. In 2067 BC, Sicanus succeeded his father, Malot Tages, in Rasenna. In 2066 BC, Sargon campaigned in Cyprus and destroyed Ebla. In 2065 Yao ordered his baron Kwan to regulate the Ho river. 2060, Sargon takes Mari, Su-Dagan in Mari, In 2058 BC, Sargon campaigned in Hatti, took Kanesh and forced king Nurdaggal of Burushanda to submit; by this time he had conquered Elam, Subartu (Ashur), and Aram, and seized Mari, Yarmuti and Ebla from Amurru (Martu). Antef II Wahankh (Isoqos) succeeded Antef I in Egypt.

In 2057 BC, Marsus succeeded Herminon in Germany, with his capital at Marsburg. Yao degraded baron Kwan, and the following year, he appointed Shun as his successor, and Sofarid succeeded Saba I in Kush. Rimush succeeded his father Sargon in Akkad, all Rimush's lands were in rebellion as Apis travelled through Syria, Hatti and Maeonia with his entourage. 2055 BC, Ishmah-Dagan in Mari. In 2054 BC, Rimush defeated Kaku of Ur and slew many in Kazallu, Umma, etc. but his rule extended only as far as the Khabur River. In 2053 BC, Abraham returned from Beersheba to Hebron, as Rimush defeated Sidgau of Warakhshe between Susa and Awan; Yao gave the throne of Hwashya to Shun. In 2051 BC, there were major deluges in Attica, Gojoseon and Hwashya, and Apis was made king in both Argos and Sicyon. In 2050 BC, Dangun built a castle at Samlang.

In 2049 BC, Apis slew Lycurgus of Thrace, and gave the territory from the Danube as far as Damascus to Maron, who founded the city of Maronea in Thrace. The Ligurians under Ligures occupied from the Po to the Danube in Italy in that year; Shun enacted a penal code in Hwashya, and his General Yu defeated Tsau and Wei. In 2048 BC, Manishtushu succeeded Rimush in Akkad. The next year, Deabus (Geryon) the Curetan succeeded Betus in Iberia; In 2045 BC, Bardus II succeeded Longho in Samothea; Manishtushu defeated Anshan, and 32 kings in a naval battle.

In 2043 BC, envoys of Tashlultum, mother of Manishtushu, arrived in Hwashya; the Telchines were defeated by Apis and fled to Rhodes (Ophiusa). In 2041 BC, the Palensan Curetans took over in Rasenna, and in that same year Naram-sin (Belochis) succeeded Manishtushu (Manithrus) in Akkad. In 2039 BC when Sarah passed, Abraham bought a cave from Ephron the Hittite near Hebron. In 2038 BC, Shun divided Hwashya into 12 provinces. In 2036 BC, Isaac married Rebecca, and Naram-sin defeated Uruk. In 2034 BC, there was a diplomatic meeting between Shun of Hwashya and prince Buru of Gojoseon. In 2032 BC, Naram-sin captured Dahishatal of Subartu in Asshur. The next year, he defeated Shenaminda at the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates. Until 2028 BC, he conquered Lebanon and Amanus, then he battled Pamba of Hatti, Zipani of Kanesh, and 15 other kings. In 2027 BC, prince Buru of Gojoseon did homage to Hwashya.

In 2026 BC, Apis left Messapus in Aigialea, Argus in Argos, his son Macedon in Emathia (now called Macedonia), and travelled up the Danube to Istria, where Eber finally died, so he put Taurus on the throne there. While there he taught ploughing and brewing to the Germans, and built Abensburg. Meanwhile his grandson Albion seized Great Britain from Bardus II, while his brother Bergion ruled the Orkneys and Ireland. Also in that year, Askendi succeeded Sofard in Kush. Askendi may be the same as Isokos or Hysqos Antef II of Egypt. In 2025 BC, Naram-sin conquered Aram and Simurrum, and Yao died. In 2024 BC, Isaac founded a settlement at Ail. In 2023 BC, Shun made his son Ekun prince of Shang. In 2022 BC Sharkalisharri succeeded Naram-sin in Akkad. In 2020 BC, the Hittites founded Jericho in Amurru and in 2019 BC, Shun officially made Yu his successor in Hwashya. In 2017 BC, Esau and Jacob were born to Isaac, and Yu subjected the Yew-miao.

In 2013 BC, Sharkalisharri captured Sharlag of Gutium. The next year, he defeated Amurru at Jebel Bishri, while Apis defeated Deabus and gave Iberia to Deabus 3 sons, the Lomnini. In 2011 BC, Apis went into Italy to drive out the Palensans, Sharkalishari defeated the Elamites at Akshak, and the Nabateans, descended from Ishmael, and Midianites, from Keturah, were established at Paran. Gambrivius succeeded Marsus in Germany. In 2010 BC, Sharkalishari “imposed the yoke on Gutium”, and the prince of Huntu made tribute to Shun. Nur-Mer in Mari. In 2008 BC, Lucus succeeded Bardus I in Samothea, and Typhon (Antef) III succeeded Antef II in Egypt. In 2007 BC, Buru succeeded Dangun in Gojoseon.

In 2005 BC, Ilulu succeeded Sharkalisharri in Akkad as three contenders competed for the throne and the Gutians raided, causing the empire to fall apart. Ur declared independence under Baleus, Lagash under Urbaba, Susa under Kutik-Inshushinak. Ishdub-El in Mari. Buru commanded his people to wear blue and plait the hair, and established weights and prices. In 2003 BC, Abraham passed away. In 2002 BC, the Gutians occupied most of Mesopotamia, Dudu kept Akkad, Shun gave the throne of Hwashya to Yu. In 2001 BC, Apis left the Curetan Lestrigones in control of Italy and made a final return to Egypt claiming the throne again as Mentuhotep; Hohey came to the throne of Kush following Askendu. Gudea succeeded Urbaba.

20th Century BC[]

In 1997 BC, Celtes succeeded Lucus in Samothea, now called Celtica; in his reign there was a great fire in Pyrenees between Celtia and Iberia. In 1996 BC, Gudea of Lagash smote Anshan, to the east in Elam In 1995 BC, Porcus filled Cados Sene island {= Sardinia} with colonies from Vetulonia, leaving part to the Lygures for their posterity. Apis sent an expedition to ‘Punt’ (the Horn), meanwhile Typhon usurped the throne in Egypt, and killed Apis. This act was later associated and confused with the old Cainite myth of Seth killing Cain before the flood, which never actually happened. (It was Lamech the Cainite who killed his ancestor Cain; see A New History of Egypt 2008.) However, Apis’ son, Hercules then avenged his father, killed Typhon, and seized the throne as Nebtawyre. In 1994 BC, Hercules Nebtawyre left Amenemhat I as king in Egypt, and drove out the rebel Curetan (House of Kheti) governors Anteus in Libya, Busiris in Canaan, Milinis in Crete, and another Typhon in Phrygia where he substituted his son by Omphale Atys, as well as the Lomnimi from Iberia, where he substituted king Hispalus, then he made war on Lestrigon in Italy. Ishkun-addu in Mari. Also around this time, Shu-durul succeeded Dudu in Akkad, and Yu died in Hwashia, by this time known simply as Xia (Shia).

In 1991 BC, Qi became king in Xia, after 3 years of mourning for Yu "the Great". The next year, Isaac moved from Hebron to Beersheba; and the battle of Kan was fought in Xia. In 1986, Apil-Kin ruled in Mari. In 1984 BC, Hercules expelled Lestrigon, and ruled Razenua himself. He also defeated the forces of Albion and Bergion on the Rhone. In 1983 BC, as the Gutians’ neglect drove up grain prices and caused another famine in the Middle East, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Qi of Xia sent his minister Mentu to Ba in that year. In 1982 BC, Isaac went to Gerar, where he met king Abimelech. The next year, Ur-ningirsu II succeeded Gudea in Lagash.

In 1980 BC, Qi banished his son Wukwan to Xihe. In 1979 BC, Eratus succeeded Messapus in Aegialea, and Spartus son of Phoroneus founded Sparta. Puzur-Inshushinak annexed Akkad. In 1977 BC, Utuhegal of Uruk drove the Gutians out of Sumer, beginning the "Sumerian renaissance" (officially known as the 'Kingdom of Sumer and Akkad'. Wukwan rebelled against Qi in Xihe, and was defeated, and Qi was succeeded by Taikang in Xia. In 1976 BC, Galathea, a spouse of Hercules, ruled Celtica; the rest of the Partholonians died of plague, and Urnammu of Ur succeeded Utu-hengal who drowned, and the next year issued his famous Law Code.

In 1974 BC, Amenemhat I named Senusret as coregent in Egypt, and Senusret campaigned in Libya. In 1973 BC, Taikang was succeded by Zhongkang in Xia, in 1972 BC Urnammu conquered Lagash, and In 1971 BC, Puzur-Inshushunak died and Elam was temporarily divided among Susa, Anshan and Shimashki. In 1969 BC, November 5, a solar eclipse was seen in Xia, and Zhongkang sent the Prince of Yin to punish the licentious astronomy ministry. In 1967 BC Suevus succeeded Gambrivius in Germany; In 1966 BC, Urnammu ravaged Gutium, and Adglag succeeded Hohey in Kush; Xiang succeeded Zhongkang in Xia, and campaigned against the Hwai tribe. In 1965 BC, Hercules again fought the Curetans in Italy; Amenemhat seized Wawat from Kush. In 1964 BC, Amenemhat I died, and Senusret I ruled alone in Egypt; he campaigned in Kush, meanwhile Xiang campaigned against the Feng and Hwang tribes in Xia.

In 1962 BC, Hispanus succeeded Hispalus in Spain, and Isaac left Gerar; in 1960 BC, Hercules destroyed the Curetans in Italy. In 1959 BC, the Yu tribe submitted to Xiang in Xia. In 1959 BC Abraham of Temonaria ruled Yudesapta. In 1958 BC, Shulgi (Altades) succeeded Urnammu in Ur, and the warlord Hanzhuo killed the minister Houyi in Xia. In 1956 BC, Senusret campaigned in Kush, and Ecbasus succeeded Argus in Argos. On August 13, a solar eclipse was seen in Gojoseon, and Buru was succeeded by Karig (Gareuk). In 1955 BC, Isaac returned to Beersheba. In 1954 BC, the first Korean alphabet was invented.

In 1951 BC, the Duke of Shang brought carriages and horses to the capital of Xia, Shangqiu. Iddin-Ilum in Mari. In 1950 BC, in Gojoseon, Gareuk exiled Sakjung, who founded the Xiongnu tribe. In 1949 BC, Jacob stole the blessing from Esau by tricking Isaac. The next year, Jacob fled to Harran, and Esau went to Seir (Edom). In 1946 BC, Adgala succeeded Adglag in Kush; a Swede named Nemed resettled Eire with colonists, defeating the Fomorians, Ilum-Ishar in Mari; Gareuk exiled the rebel chief Hyobyano to Japan; and in Xia, Hanzhuo ravaged the area of Ge. In 1942 BC, Galathes, son of Hercules by Galathea, daughter of Celtes, succeeded in Celtica.

In 1941 BC Jacob married Leah and Rachel, and his first son Reuben was born, In 1940 BC, Hanzhuo sent his son Jiao against Zhengwan, The next year, Jiao defeated the Duke of Chinsin, in ships, at Wei and Simon was born. In 1938 BC Shulgi sacked Der; and Jiao killed Emperor Xiang in Xia, which had no king for a time. Xiang’s wife escaped and bore Shaokang in 1937 BC, Nemed died of plague, and the Fomorians, based on Tory Island, began to tax the Magogites in Eire for 207 years. In 1936 Shulgi proclaimed his own divinity, Levi and Dan were born; in 1935 Shulgi sacked Karhar. In 1934 BC Judah was born; while Shulgi campaigned in Simurrum; Turam-Dagan in Mari. In 1933 BC Naphtali was born, Plemnaeus succeeded Eratus in Aigialea, and Shulgi defeated Simurrum. In 1932 BC Gad was born, Shulgi sacked Harshi, and Senusret I made Nubkaure Amenemhat II his coregent. In 1931 BC, Issachar was born.

In 1930 BC, Asser was born, and in 1929 BC Zebulon, Joseph and Dina were born, Hercules Lybicus went to Hispania and succeeded his grandson Hispanus; he left Razenua to his son by Araxes, daughter of Gambrivius: Tuscus, whom he summoned from Scythia. Amenemhat II ruled alone in Egypt from this year. In 1928 BC, Shulgi sacked Karhar again, and Jacob fled from Haran and returned to Canaan. In 1927 BC, Shulgi defeated Simurrum again; and In 1926 BC, Shulgi sacked Karhar a 3rd time. In 1925 BC, Shulgi sacked Anshan in Elam, in 1924 BC, Nubkaure sent a trade expedition to Lebanon. In 1922 BC, Shulgi built a defensive wall in Mesopotamia; Nubkaure’s troops defeated Jasius of Yawan in Syria.

In 1920 BC, Jacob (Israel) sacked Shechem, and defeated Hamor the Hivite; his son Benjamin was born. In 1919 BC Hercules died in Hispania and was succeeded by Hesperus, and in Canaan, Levi became a priest. In 1918 BC, Shaokang of Xia fled to the Yu tribe while Jiao sought to kill him, and began to fight the rebels. In 1916 BC, Shulgi sacked Shashrum, and Lakniduga succeeded Adgala in Kush. In 1915 BC, Shulgi campaigned against Simurrum and Lullubi, and Israel defeated 7 Amorite chiefs. Vandalus succeeded Suavus in Germania. In 1914 BC, Joseph was sold into Egypt, and Shulgi defeated Simurrum, Lullubi, Karhar and Arbil. [Year 1 of Puzur-Ishtar in Mari]

In 1913 BC, Shulgi of Ur sacked Kimash and Hurti, from Shimashki, ruled by Girname. In 1911 BC, Shulgi overran Kimash, Hurti, and Harshi, there after reunified as the province of Hamazi; Osagu succeeded Garyuk in Gojoseon; In 1910 BC, Amarsin (Mamitus) succeeded Shulgi in Ur, and Osagu of Gojoseon made his younger brother Osadal first king of the Mongols. Levi married Milcah of Haran. Achaim succeeded in Yudesapta and renamed it Arratim. In 1909 BC, Amarsin sacked Arbil.

In 1906 BC, a delegation of Chinese visited Gojoseon. Criasus succeeded Ecbasus in Argos. In 1905 BC, Amarsin of Ur sacked Shashrum and Shurudhum. In 1904 BC, a shipyard was built in Gojoseon, and Amar-sin sacked Bitum Rabium, Jabru, and Huhnuri. Tazitta I reigned in Elam at this time. In 1902 BC, Shu-iliya in Eshnunna. In 1901 BC, Shu-sin succeeded Amarsin in Ur; Puzur-Asshur I in Assyria; Isaac died; Qehat was born to Levi. Israel (Jacob) defeated Esau (Edom).

19th century BC[]

In 1899 BC, Shu-Sin ravaged Simanum. Tazitta was still in Elam. Shalimahum succeeded Puzur-Assur in Assur. Amenemhat II made Senusret II coregent. And Shaokang sent general Ru Ai against Ge province and the rebel leader Jiao was killed. In 1898 BC, Shu-Sin built a defensive wall of Martu across Mesopotamia. Shaokang defeated Han Zhuo, and became emperor in Xia.

In 1897 BC, Senusret II succeeded alone in Egypt; and the Fang people come to do homage to Shaokang. In 1896 BC, Nurahum became gov in Eshnunna In 1895 BC, Shu-Sin sacked Zabshalli, Ebarat I reigned in Elam. In c. 1894 BC Ilushuma succeeded Shalimahum in Ashur. In 1893 BC, Ibbi-Sin succeeded Shu-Sin in Ur. Simashki also annexed Awan and Susa that year, and Phares & Zerah were born to Judah. Narbon in Gallia succeeded Galathes, who was sent by Tuscus to Sicily.

The following year, the Seven Years' Famine began throughout the Near East (Egypt, Canaan and Mesopotamia), and Osagu of Josun ordered Shikdal to suppress Xia. Ishbi-Erra became an independent ruler in Isin. In 1891 BC, Manturay succeeded Lakniduga in Kush, Ibbi-Sin ravaged Simurrum and Israel moved to Egypt on account of the famine; and in 1890 BC, Ishbi-Erra of Isin suppressed the Amorites (though he was himself of Amorite origin). Senusret III became coregent in Egypt. In 1889 BC, Hitlal-Erra ruled in in Mari.

In 1888 BC, Alteus succeeded Tuscus in Rasenna, and the next year, Kirikiri in Eshnunna. In 1885 BC, Ibbi-Sin of Ur campaigned in Huhnuri and Anshan in Elam, and Orthopolis succeeded Plemnaeus in Aegialea. In 1882 BC, Ishbi-Erra of Isin defeated Kimash and Elam; Sesostris expanded against Kush to the 2nd cataract. Hanun-Dagan succeeded Hitlal-Erra in Mari

In 1880 BC, Ibbi-Sin defeated Susa & Awan in Elam; Senusret III (Sesostris) became sole Pharaoh in Egypt; Shaokang moved his court to Yuen. The following year, Atlas Kittim expelled his brother Hesperus from Hispania, driving Hesperus to Rasenna where he took the throne from Alteus. In 1877 BC, Ibbi-Sin subjected the Amorites. Kindattu was reigning in Elam at this time, Bilalama (14+) in Eshnunna. Also in that year, Zhu succeeded Shaokang in Xia. The next year, Sesostris campaigned in Asia, defeating Midian and Canaan at Shechem, and penetrated as far as India, Scythia and Thrace, according to the Greeks.

By 1875 BC Sesostris was campaigning in Kush again, Yaqob died in Egypt and was buried in Canaan, and as Jerome records, there was a migration from the Indus Valley to Yemen (Ophir = Puru?). The next year Isi-Dagan ruled in Mari; while Teutanes succeded Vandalus in Sarmata. In 1874 BC, Amram was born to Qehat, and Yokebed to Levi. In 1873 BC, Erishum I of Asshur succeeded Ilushuma; Guil succeded in Gojosun. Zhu moved the capital of Xia from Yuen to Laoqiu in that year. In 1872 BC, a devastating hurricane hit Ur, and Sesostris retreated from Kush.

In 1871 BC, the Elamites sacked Ur; Lugdus succeeded Narbon in Gallia; and there was a plague of locusts in Gojosun. In 1870 BC, Ishbi-Erra of Isin took Ur from the Elamites and became the main power in Sumer; Amenemhat III became coregent in Egypt, Zhu raided Sanshao and captured one of the “nine tailed foxes”. In 1869 BC, an almanac was constructed in Gojosun. In 1868, Itur-? succeded Isi-Dagan in Mari; Atlas Kittim took Tuscany from Hesperus, and leaving his son Sicorus king in Hispania. In 1867 ABC Atlas made his daughter Roma queen south of the Tiber, now known as Italia.

In 1865 BC, people from Shindok accidentally reached Gojosun, and Minister Ming died in Xia. In 1864 BC , Shu-Ilishu succeeded Ishbi-Erra in Isin, and in 1862 BC, Amer-nunnu ruled in Mari. The following year Zhu died, and was succeded by Hwai (Fen). In 1860 BC, the ‘9 Yi tribes of east’ came to pay homage to Hwai, and in 1858 BC, Talmun succeeded Guil in Gojosun. In 1856 BC, Ter-dagan succeeded Amer-nunnu in Mari, Rakhu Didyme in Kush. In 1854 BC, Iddin-Dagan succeded Shu-Ilishu in Isin. Iddin Dagan fought the Amorites near Kakkulatum; he also lost control of Nippur. Epidauros was founded.

In 1853 BC, Phorbas succeeded Criasus in Argos. In c. 1851 BC, Senusret 3 died, leaving Amenemhat III sole Pharaoh in Egypt. In c. 1850 BC, Eparti 2 of Simashki founded the Epartid dynasty in Elam. In the following year, Morges succeded his fathe Atlas Kittim in Italia. In 1848 BC, Dagan-? succeded Amer-nunnu in Mari , reigning there until 1842 BC. In 1847 BC, Alman Hercules succeeded Teutanes in Germany. In 1846 BC, Baron Yung of Loh fought Baron Fengyi of Ho in Xia, and Beligius succeeded Lugdus in Celtica; Trochilus yoked the first quadriga 4-horse chariot. In 1844 BC, Amram married Yokebed in Goshen.

In 1843 BC, Xanthos settled Lesbos, per Jerome. In 1842 BC, Ishme-Dagan (Sferus) succeeded Iddin-Dagan in Isin. He regained control of Nippur. Phorbas of Argos conquered Rhodes. The next year, Itur-Shamash became independent in Kisurra. In 1836 BC, Gungunum, another chieftain of Amorite descent, established independence in Larsa. In 1834 BC, Ikunum succeded Erishum in Asshur, and Gungunum of Larsa sacked Bashimi. In 1832 BC, he sacked Anshan. The year after that, Hwai appointed Baron of Kunwu’s son governor in Yousu.

In 1829 BC, Camboblascon succeeded Morges in Tuscany, and in 1828 BC Hwai had a circular prison built., while Manamaltel / Mamelus / Memkaron succeeded Itur-Shamash in Kisurra. In 1827 BC, the warlord Gungunum took over Ur. In 1826 BC, Sebi I succeeded Rakhu in Kush. In 1825 BC, Lipit-Ishtar succeeded Ishme-Dagan in Isin, and in 1824 BC, he promulgated a new law code. Amenemhat IV succeeded his father Amenemhat III in that year.

In 1822 BC, Hanyul succeeded Talmun in Gojosen, and Marathonius succeeded Orthopolis in Sicyon. In the next year, Sharrukin I succeeded Ikunum in Asshur. In that year, Romanessos became subking of Italia, Sicanus succeeded Sicorus in Hispania, and Jasius Janigena was made Coritus, or heir of Camboblascon in Tuscany.

In 1820 BC, Laptan renamed Arratim as Sauritz. In 1819 BC, Cecropia (Attica) was founded by Cecrops, Joseph died in Goshen, and Jasius Janigena succeeded Beligius in Celtica, and in 1818 BC, Mang succeeded Hwai in Xia and Gungunum defeated Malgium. In 1817 BC, Triopas succeded Phorbas in Argos; in 1816 BC Lipit Ishtar repulsed the Amorites, Cydon ruled Crete. In the next year Ur-Ninurta succeeded Lipit-Ishtar in Isin , and Queen Sobeknefru replaced Amenemhat IV in Egypt. In 1814 BC Beric became king in Gothia. An olive tree appeared in Cecropia at Athens.

In 1813 BC, Yakbim Sekhaenre founded the 14th dynasty in Goshen, then in 1811 BC Sekhemre Khutawi Sobekhotep I became first pharaoh of the 13th dynasty in Upper Egypt (Thebes). In 1809 BC, Abisare succeeded Gungunum in Larsa, and control of Nippur returned to Isin. Cecrops I began ox sacrifice in Acta. The year after that, Sekhemkare Sonbef succeeded Sobekhotep I in Thebes, and Halium became king in Ilip-Akusum. In 1805 BC, Mang caught fish in the East Sea

In 1804 BC, Nerikare succeeded Sonbef in Thebes, and was replaced the following year by Sekhemkare Amenemhat V in Thebes, while Ya’ammu Nubwoserre succeeded Yakbim in Goshen. In 1801 BC, Abisare of Larsa defeated Isin; Levi died in Goshen.

18th century BC[]

In 1800 BC, Egypt went to war in Canaan with Manamaltiel of Kisurra, as Ameny Qemau succeeded Amenemhat V in Thebes. In 1799 BC, Sumu-ditana of Kazallu died and was succeeded by Yamtsiel. Sumu-Abum (Sparetus) then declared independence from Kazallu and founded the kingdom of Babylon. In the next year, Sumuel succeeded Abisare in Larsa, Hotepibre succeeded Ameny in Thebes, and Ur-Ninurta died, leaving the throne of Isin to Bur-Sin. Ipiq-Adad I became king in Eshnunna that year. In 1797 BC, Sumu-Abum seized the walls of Ilip. Abdi-Era replaced Halium in Ilip-Akusum, and Sharrasiurum succeeded Manamaltiel in Kisurra.

In 1796 BC, Azagan succeeded Sebi I in Kush; Iasius Ianegena ruled in Italy following Camboblascon. The next year, Iufni for a few months, and then Amenemhat VI ruled in Thebes, following Hotepibre. Also that year, Ubaya succeeded Sharrasiurum in Kisurra, Sumuel of Larsa sacked Akusum & Kazallu, and Manana succeeded Abdi-Era in Ilip-Akusum. And in 1794 BC, Sumuel defeated Uruk.

In c. 1793 BC, Qareh Khawoserre I succeeded Yakbim in Goshen, and the following year, Marathus succeeded Marathonius in Sicyon; and Nebnuni succeeded Amenemhat in Thebes. In 1791 BC, Sumuel of Larsa sacked Pinaratim. The next year, Sehetepibre succeeded Nebnuni in Thebes; and Siceleus succeeded Sicanus in Hispania. In 1789 BC, Sumuel of Larsa seized Sabum and villages on Euphrates and Zikrum succeded Ubaya in Kisurra, and in 1788 BC, he defeated Kish. Sewadjkare, then Nejemibre succeded Sehetepibre in Thebes that year, and the Prince of Shang removed to Yin in Xia.

In 1787 BC, Sumu-Abum of Babylon seized Kazallu, and defeated Larsa; Khaankhre Sobekhotep succeeded Nejemibre in Thebes. In 1785 BC, Sumulael succeeded Sumu-Abum in Babylon, and Shariya became governor in Eshnunna. The following year, Sumuel of Larsa defeated Kazallu. In 1783 BC, Sumuel seized the town of Nannaisha, and Sumulael of Babylon defeated Kazallu; Naqimum succeeded Manana in Ilip-Akusum and Belakum followed Shariya as governor in Eshnunna ; meanwhile Ammu Ahotepre succeeded Qareh in Goshen and Renseneb, then Hor Awybre followed Khaankhre in Thebes; and Alman Hercules died in Teutones; a struggle ensued among his sons Hunnus, Helvetius, Noricus, and Boius. Another son, Theur, occupied land on the south of the Danube with the Cimmerians / Cimbri, later he expanded along the Black sea coast, as his wife Haks invaded Anatolia and founded Apasa (Ephesus).

In 1782 BC, Puzur-asshur II succeeded Sharrukin in Asshur. In 1780 BC, Bur-sin of Isin became king of Kisurra after Zikrum. Beric left Sweden to Humulf and crossed the Baltic to invade Prussia. In 1779 BC, Io returned from Italy to Egypt; and war erupted between Iasius and Siceleus vs. Dardanus & Romanessus. The next year, Sheshi Maaibre succeeded Ammu in Goshen, and in 1777 BC, Ahimarasi succeeded Naqimum in Ilip-Akusum; Lipit-Enlil succeeded Bur-Sin in Isin, Abi-Shamash became king in Kisurra.

In 1776 BC, Warassa succeeded Belkakum as gov. in Eshnunna; and Sekemrekhutawy Khabaw succeeded Hor Awybre in Thebes. In China, in 1775 BC the Prince of Shang removed to Yin. In 1774 BC, Naram-sin succeeded Puzur-Asshur in Asshur, Djedkheperew, then Sedjefakare succeeded Khabaw in Thebes. And in the next year the Court of Areopagus was established in Greece, and Sumulael of Babylon sacked Kish from Ilip-Akusum’s domain.

In 1772 BC, Echyreus succeeded Marathios in Aigialea, and Sumuel of Larsa took Nippur from Lipit-Enlil, who was succeeded by Erra-Imiti in Isin. In 1771 BC, Iasos succeeded Triopas in Argos, and in 1770 BC, Ibalpiel I succeeded Warassa in Eshnunna, while Sewhan succeded Hanyul in Josun; In 1769 BC, Sumuel sacked Umma; Cranaus succeeded Cecrops in Athens; Erra-Imiti retook Nippur; and Sewhan set a 5% income tax.

In 1768 BC, Nur-Adad succeeded Sumuel in Larsa; Erra-Immiti seized Kisurra, Khutawyre Wegaf succeeded Sedjefakare in Thebes, and Sumulael of Babylon drove Yahzirel from Kazallu. The following year, Erra-Immiti destroyed the wall of Kazallu; Sumulael destroyed the wall of Kish; and Sewhan spied as commoner in Xia, before reorganizing the government of Josun. In 1766 BC, Sus'hul Atozanis succeeded Azagen in Kush, Aminum of Unina took Shaduppum; there was a bumper rice harvest in Josun, Khendjer succeeded Wegaf in Thebes. the floods of Deucalion started in Thessaly, and Sumulael again defeated Kazallu.

In 1765 BC Sin-abum of ? took Sit, and and there was a major fire in Thessaly. In 1764 BC, Enlil-Bani succeeded Erra Imiti in Isin; and in 1763 BC, 2 Ipiq-adad succeeded Ibalpiel in Eshnunna. A huge 3 footed crow was reported at the Josen palace that year. In 1762 BC, Ashul succeeded Sewhan in Josun, Sumu-yamutbala became king in Ilip-Akusum, and in 1761 BC, Xie succeeded Mang in Xia, Aminum defeated Ipiq-adad, and Sumulael again defeated Yahzirel.

In 1760 BC, Ipiq-adad defeated Aminum; Wuchak rebelled in Josun and drove Ashul from the capital; and Amphictyon k. of Phthia, son of Deucalion succeeded Cranaus in Athens. The next year, Ipiq-adad took Ziquratum, Amram returned from Canaan to Goshen, and Hellen son of Deucalion became king in Phthia. In 1758 BC, Smenkhare Imyremeshaw succeded Khendjer in Thebes. Rham of Trebeta mediated among sons of Alman; Boiger in Boigeria. In 1757 BC Ashul was restored to the capital of Josun.

In 1755 BC Apteras succeeded Cydon in Crete. Crotopus succeeded Agenor in Argus. In 1752 BC, Siniddinam succeeded Nur-Adad in Larsa; Manium succeeded Sumu-yamutbala in Ilip-Akusum, and Harpatiwa succeeded Hurmeli in Kanesh. Shamshi-adad was born, and Sin-Abushu ruled in Nerebtum. In 1751 BC Humbel succeeded Humulf in Swedica and sent his sons Dan and Angel to Vetala (Danica), but Dan exiled Angel to Saxony. Aminum of Unina died and there was an eclipse visible there. The following year, Prince Zihan of Yin was killed by Mianchen of Youyi; Dardanus killed his brother Iasius, fled to Samothrace; Coribantus succeeded Jasius in Tuscania, Allobrox in Celtica; Picus I succeeded Romanessos in Italia, Lusus succeeded Siceleus in Hispania; Erechtonius succeeded Amphictyon in Athens; Lacedaemon was founded.

In 1749 BC, Siniddinam of Larsa defeated Babylon, and Sabium succeeded Sumulael in Babylon. The year after that, Siniddinam seized Ibrat and Malgium, and Arcas subjected the Pelasgi in Arcadia. In 1747 BC, Siniddinam sacked Eshnunna, and in 1746 BC he seized Nippur; Sehetepkare Intef followed imyremeshaw in Thebes; and the forces of Yin and Ho defeated Youyi. Vines were cultivated in Greece by Dionysus son of Deucalion. Amen II Tsowiza succeeded Atozanes in Kush

In 1745 BC Sineribam succeeded Siniddinam in Larsa; Nehsy succeeded Sheshi in Goshen. The next year, 1744 BC, Sabium of Babylon defeated Larsa, and Nuya, then Sheneh followed Nehsy in Goshen. In 1743 BC, Siniqisham succeeded Sineribam in Larsa, and Asshur took Hupshum. In 1742 BC Siniqisham seized Pinaratim,and Nazarum; a “Flood in a remote land” (Thessaly?) was reported in the Mari Eponym Chronicle. Gothilla succeeded Humbel in Swedica.

In 1741 BC Zambia followed Enlil-bani in Isin. In Xia, Xie honors chiefs of the white, black, red, yellow peoples. In 1739 BC Siniqisham of Larsa defeated Kazallu, Babylon, Elam, & Zambia of Isin. Shenshek replaced Sheneh in Goshen; Iterpisha succeeded Zambia in Isin. In 1738 BC Silli-Adad succeeded Siniqisham in Larsa. Wazad followed Shenshek in Goshen; Ilakabkabu of Terqa took Shuprum.

In 1737 BC Uhna of Zalpa destroyed the Assyrian Karum at Kanesh; Inar succeeded Harpatiwa in Kanesh. Silli-Adad was removed from throne of Larsa; Kudur-Mabug of Elam placed his son Warad-Sin on that throne; Elam defeated Ipiq-adad of Eshnunna; Shamshi-adad succeeded his father Ila-kabkabu in Terqa; and Bujiang succeeded Xie in Xia. Seth Meribre (Danaus Armais) succeeded Sehetepkare in Thebes. The next year, 1736 BC, Urdukuga succeeded Iterpisha in Isin. In 1735 BC, Warad-Sin destroyed the wall of Kazallu and the army of Mutibal. Apil-Sin succeeded Sabium in Babylon. the Lullu defeated Ashur in Lazapatum.

In 1734 BC Yaqub Har succeeded Wazad in Goshen; Ipiq-adad took Arrapha. Sthenelaus succeeded Crotopus in Argos. Erechthonius introduced 4 horse chariot in Greece. In 1733 BC, Sin-Magir succeeded Urdukuga in Isin ; and Sobekhotep III (Aegyptus Ramses) expelled Danaus from Thebes and cancelled the 14th dynasty, enslaving the Hebrews. Moses was born in Egypt; and Ipiq-adad took Gasur. In 1731 BC Ramenpahte Mislene followed Amen in Kush. In 1730 BC The Nemedians fled the Fomoire, the Britons went to Scotland between Tay and Forth, other two groups to Greece. In 1729 BC Ipiq-adad took Sin-abushi of Nerebtum. In 1728 BC, Dardanus founded Troy. In 1727 BC Ipiq-adad took Nerebtum, and Nowil succeeded Ashul in Josun.

In 1726 BC, Shamshi-adad defeated Unina; Rim-Sin succeeded Warad-Sin in Larsa. In 1724 BC, animals were domesticated in Josen. In 1723 BC, Damiq-Ilishu succeeded Sin-Magir in Isin, and Gelanor succeeded Sthenelaus, but then Danaus took Argos from Gelanor. In the next year, Erishum 2 succeeded Naram-Sin in Asshur, and Shamshi-Adad fled from Terqa to Babylon.

In 1721 BC, Ipiq-adad died and was succeded by Naram-Sin in Eshnunna. In the next year he seized Ashnakkum , and the year following, Kakkulatum. Then in 1718 BC, Damiq-Ilishu of Isin took Nippur from Larsa. In 1717 BC, Sin-Muballit succeeded Apil-Sin in Babylon, and Corax succeeded Echyreus in Aigialea. The year after that, Naram-Sin seized Ashtabala. Lynal renamed Sauritz as Sannas. Tyrrhenus son of Atus succeeded Coribantus in Tuscania, renaming it Tyrrhenia.

In 1715 BC Shamshi-Adad returned from Babylon and took Ekallatum and Yahdun-lim succeeded Yagit-lim in Mari. In 1714 BC, Sumu-Epuh ruled in Yamhad, and in 1713 BC, Rim-Sin of Larsa smote Babylon, Sutum, Rapiqum, and Irdanene king of Uruk, while Yahdun-lim defeated Zalpa. Lapis succeeded Apteras in Crete. In 1712 BC, Rim-Sin seized Pinaratim and Nazarum; Shamshi-adad I seized the throne of Asshur from Erishum, and Yahdun-lim defeated the Yaminites.

In 1711 BC, Ibniera succeeded Naram-Sin in Eshnunna, and Yahdun-Lim defeated Shamshi-Adad; Wanuna, then Piori I succeeded Ramenpahte in Kush. In 1710 BC, Humbel succeeded Dan in Danica; Rim-Sin seized Zibnatum, Iqish-Tishpak succeeded Ibniera in Eshnunna , Gold was discovered in Josen, and Yahdun-Lim subjected the Yaminites. Rim-Sin seized Bit-Shu-Sin and Uzarbara; and Yahdun-Lim destroyed the crops of Ashur.

In 1708 BC, Dannum-Tahaz succeeded Iqish-tishpak in Eshnunna; and Yahdun-Lim defeated the Yaminites at Tuttul. In 1707 BC, Rim-Sin annexed Kisurra, and destroyed Der, and Yahdun-Lim again defeated the Yaminites. In 1706 BC, Rim-Sin destroyed Uruk, and retook Nippur from Isin. From 1706 BC to 1696 BC, Moses campaigned for Sobekhotep vs. Piori of Kush over Meroe. By 1705 BC the Getae under Filmerus had reached the Black Sea.

In 1704 BC Sin-Muballit of Babylon defeated Rim-Sin of Larsa; Dadusha succeeded Dannum-Tahaz in Eshnunna, and Yahdun-Lim defeated Shamshi-Adad at Nagar. In 1702 BC, Lothar succeeded Humbel in Danica, Sigtrun succeeded Gothilla in Swedica. Phoenix left Thebes and ruled in Tyre and Sidon, and Rim-Sin seized an unnamed city of Damiq-Ilishu of Isin; in 1701 BC Sin-Muballit of Babylon captured Isin. The Sabaean tribes of Sheba, Obal Ophir after fighting with Kosala go to Kush, to Tigre Adal and Ogaden respectively.

17th century BC[]

In 1700 BC Asterius succeeded Lapis in Crete, Pandion I succeeded Erichthonius in Athens, Cadmus succeeded Phoenix in Sidon and Tyre. In 1699 BC Shamshi-adad of Asshur defeated Yahdun-lim of Mari, and 11 others, and Zimri-Lim fled to Akkad. In 1698 BC Romus succeeded Allobrox in Celtica. Ingram succeeded Boiger in Boigeria. Phlegyas burned down the temple at Delphi, Greece. In 1697 BC Shamshi-Adad conquered Mari; Rim-Sin of Larsa conquered Isin from Babylon, and Hammurabi succeeded Sin-Muballit in Babylon. In the next year, the Law Code of Hammurabi was proclaimed. Faunus I ruled Italia. King Rama of Kosala India defeated Piori I of Kush, Agazyan tribes began to unite against his tax.

In 1693 BC Neferhotep I ruled in Egypt, Moses slew an overseer and fled to Midian, and in 1692 BC Warshamma ruled in Kanesh. Cadmus ruled in Thebes Greece and taught the abjad. In 1691 BC Hammurabi of Babylon seized Uruk and Isin from Larsa. In 1689 BC Dadusha of Eshnunna took Meturan. In 1688 BC Hammurabi defeated Malgium, The Agazyan unite under Akhunas 2 Saba and kill Rama, and the following year Hammurabi seized Rapiqum. Melos, Thasos, Calliste (Aegean) and Paphos (Cyprus) founded by Amazons under Q. Smyrna.

In 1687 BC Epopeus of Thessaly became king of Aigialea. Phoenix settles Bithynia or Mariandina. Sarpedon in Lycia. In 1686 BC was the Qatna-Asshur alliance; Shamshi-adad appointed his son Yasma-adad in Mari. In 1685 BC Boghi ruled in Danica; Shamshi-adad took Qabra; in 1684 BC he defeated Ahazum, etc.; and Yarim-lim succeeded in Yamhad. In 1683 BC Shamshi-Adad defeated the Turukkeans; and Yasma-adad of Mari defeated the Yaminites, unifying the banks of Euphrates. In the next year Kaneferre 4 Sobekhotep became pharaoh. In 1681 BC Yarim-lim captured Tuttul where he installed the exiled Zimri-lim.

In 1680 BC Skiold succeeded in Danica; Ishme-dagan succeeded in Asshur. The Idaean Dactyls discover iron. The following year Bu Jiang of Xia abdicated the throne to Jiong, Zimri-lim took his throne in Mari after Yasmah-adad was moved to Uta. In 1678 BC Zetus and Amphion expelled Cadmus from Thebes Greece. In 1676 BC Merhotepre 5 Sobekhotep succeeded in Egypt, in 1673 BC Lynceus in Argos, and in 1672 BC Kawtepre Sobekhotep 6 succeeded Merhoptepre. Corinth founded by Sisyphus as Ephyra. In 1671 Cadmus steals Harmonea. In 1670 BC Ashur-dugul succeeded in Asshur with several other rival claimants. In 1669 BC prince Gram of Danica killed Sigtrun who was succeeded in Swedica by Skarin.

In 1668 BC Another Hammurabi ruled in Yamhad, Hammurabi of Babylon defeated Elam, Marhashi, Subartu, Gutium, Eshnunna and Malgium; Minos I succeeded Asterius in Crete; Wahibre Ibiyau in Kemet. The next year Triptolemus and Celeus were at Eleusis; and Hammurabi defeated Rim-Sin of Larsa, and the year after that he defeated Eshnunna, Subartu, Gutium, and conquered Mankisum. Cadmea and Side established in Cilicia. In 1666 BC Amnus Faunigena ruled Italia. Then in 1665 BC Hammurabi conquered Mari, Malgium, Subartu, Ekallatum, Burunda, and Zamlash. Yapah-shumu ruled in Terqa. Tarchon Priscus in Razenua. Paris in Celtica, Testa in Iberia.

In 1664 BC Belubani succeeded in Ashur; Erichthonius succeeded Dardanus in Dardania. In 1661 BC Hammurabi defeated Gutium, Sutum, Turukku, Kakmu and Subartu, and Jin succeeded in Xia. Vulcan in Italia. Achaeus founds Achaea. In 1660 BC Gram succeeded Skiold in Danica; Erechtheus became king in Athens. Kore dau. of Orcus k. Molossia (Epirus) raped; Tanausis succeeded Filmerus in Getae and Taurus in Cimmeria In 1659 BC Hammurabi defeated Cutha and Subartu. In 1657 BC Merneferre Ai "Pharaoh of the Exodus" reigned in Egypt.

In 1654 BC Samsu-iluna reigned in Babylon, Libaya in Asshur, 1 Aba-El in Yamhad, Itsi-shumu in Terqa. Pithana of Kushara seized Kanesh. In 1653 BC was the Exodus of Israelites from Egypt. Anitta of Kanesh defeated Piyushti of Zalpa. Merhotepre Ini succeeded in Thebes and Sakir-Har of the Hyksos invaded Goshen. Ten suns were allegedly seen in the sky in China and Kong Jia succeeded in Xia.

In 1652 BC Israel, led by Moses, was at Sinai, Kadesh. Laomedon became king in Aigialea. In 1651 BC Sewadjtew ruled in Thebes. In 1650 Boreas of Thrace abducted Orithyia; and in 1648 BC Ined followed Sewadjtew in Thebes. In 1646 BC Samsu-iluna of Babylon defeated the Kassites, a new Zagros entity. Gram of Danica killed Ingram in Finland; Adalger succeeded Ingram in Boigeria. In 1645 BC Samsu-Iluna defeated Emutbal, Uruk, and Isin, and Hori ruled in Thebes Egypt. Phrixus took Golden Fleeces to Aetes k. of Colchis. In 1644 BC Samsu-iluna defeated rebellion in Akkad, and destroyed Larsa; Gao succeeded in Xia. In 1643 BC Samsu-Iluna defeated more rebellion in Sumer and Akkad.

In 1642 BC Samsu-Iluna destroyed Kisurra and Sabum. In 1641 BC 1 Yadih-Abu ruled in Terqa; Fa in Xia. In 1640 BC 7 Sobekhotep ruled in Thebes. Abas Tuscus in Tyrrhenia. In 1639 BC Irridu rebelled against Yamkhad, Aba el quelled the revolt and gave the governor of Irridu, his brother Yarim lim, the fief of Alalakh. In 1638 BC Sharma-adad 1 in Ashur; Djehuty ruled in Thebes and the Abydos dynasty became independent. In 1637 BC K. Tereus of Thrace raped Athenian princess Philomena. The Sealand Dynasty arose in S. Mesopotamia under Iluma-Il.

In 1635 BC Samsu-Iluna smote Eshnunna. 8 Sobekhotep in Thebes. In 1634 BC Aner-Apiti ruled the Hyksos. Earthquake in Shandong; Jie succeeded in Xia. In 1633 BC Eumolpus of Thrace and the Eleusinians fought with Athens, Nekhti Kalnis among the Agazyan. In 1632 BC Samsu-Iluna destroyed Shahna, Apum, Zarhanum, Putra, and Susa. Abas in Argos. In 1631 BC Zawan of Pannonia ruled in Sannas. In 1630 BC Khyan ruled the Hyksos. In the following year, 3 Neferhotep ruled in Thebes and Zuzzu ruled in Kanesh; Swibodag of Romica killed Gram and ruled Danica and Swedica. In 1628 BC Mentuhotepi ruled in Thebes. In 1627 BC Samsu-iluna defeated kings Iadih-abu and Mutihurshan of Terqa; 1 Nebiriraw ruled in Thebes. In 1626 BC Iptar-sin ruled in Ashur. In 1625 BC, earthquake and hailstorm in Xia. Lemannus succeeded Paris in Celtica, Olanus succeeded Abas in Tyrrhenia. Janus III Mars Italus in Italia. In 1624 BC 2 Yarim Lim ruled in Yamhad. In 1620 BC Tudhaliya founded the Hittite empire in Kanesh. In 1619 BC Samsu-Iluna subdued the Amorites; Tang king in Shang. In 1618 BC Tros in Troy.

In 1616 BC Abieshuh ruled in Babylon. In 1615 BC Bazaya ruled in Ashur.In 1613 BC Abieshuh of Babylon defeated the Kassites; Kashtiliash ruled in Terqa; Moses of Israel seized Heshbon, Bashan from Og and Sihon. Tantalus in Phrygia / Maeonia. In 1612 BC Sicyon became king in Sicyon. In 1612-1606 BC Joshua began the Israelite conquest of Canaan.

In 1611 BC Ahan ruled in Josun. Tros fought with Tantalus of Phrygia over Ganymedes abduction. In 1610 BC Cecrops II became king in Athens. In 1609 BC Proteus ruled in Argos. In 1607 BC Abieshuh seized Adnatum; In 1606 BC 2 Nebiriraw ruled in Thebes, followed by Semenre in Thebes in 1605 BC, Bellerophon floruit, The Goidel migrated from Rifath to the Maeotic swamp. and Bebiankh in Thebes in 1604 BC, when Niqmi-Epuh ruled in Yamhad. Amitakum in Alalakh begins to assert his independence. In 1603 BC was the battle of Mingtiao where the Shang king Tang seized China from the Xia. Swibodag of Romica appointed Gunthorm governor in Danica.

16th century BC[]

In 1597 Hishmi-Sharuma ruled in Kanesh. Larein ruled after Adalger in Boigeria. In 1594 BC Shamuqenu ruled the Hyksos. 1593 BC - Labarna I in Hatti. Queen Cassiopi in Agazyan. In 1592 BC Sekhemre Shedwaset in Thebes, Wai Bing in Shang. Veibennus succeeds Olanus in Tyrrhenia. Acrisius in Argos, Proetus to Tiryns. In 1590 BC Romus in Hispania. In 1589 BC Abieshuh defeats Eshnunna; Zhong Ren in Shang. Hasding killed Swibodag and succeeded him in Romica and Danica; Asmund in Swedica. Odin campaihns on Courland.

In 1588 BC Ammi-Ditana reigned in Babylon, Lulaya in Ashur. Hyksos seize Abydos. In 1587 BC - 1 Dedymos in Thebes. 1586 BC - Montemsaf in Thebes. In 1585 BC - Apepi in Hyksos. Merankhre 6 Mentuhotep in Thebes. Tai Jia in Shang. 1584 BC - 4 Sensuret in Thebes 1583 BC - 2 Dedymos ruled in Thebes In 1582 BC Shu-ninua in Ashur. Apepi captures Thebes. 1581 BC - Uffo in Swedica. 1580 BC - Rahotep in Thebes. In 1579 BC Joshua passed and Qenez became judge in Israel; Irkabtum ruled in Yamkhad, he made a treaty with Qenez' brother Shemuma of Habiru.

  • 1576 BC - I Sobekemsaf in Thebes.

1574 BC -Ayba 2 Sebi in Agazyan. In 1573 BC, Wo Ding ruled in Shang.

  • 1570 BC Pandion II in Athens

1569 BC - II Sobekemsaf; V Antef in Thebes.

  • (1568 BC) 2 Sharma-adad in Ashur

1567 BC - 2 Hammurabi in Yamkhad. 1566 BC - 6 Antef in Thebes.

  • (1565 BC) 3 Erishum in Ashur. Canaanite Senash Hamat tribe enter Agazyan.

1562 BC - 3 Yarim-Lim in Yamkhad.

  • 1561 BC - Perseus in Argos, founds Mycenae, Megapenthes (gap in Argos dates to 1318 BC)
  • 1560 BC - Antef 7 in Thebes. Midas I in Phrygia (Luwia)
  • 1559 BC - Senakhtenre Ahmose in Thebes. 1 Ityophis in Ethiopia.
  • 1558 BC - Seqenenre Tao in Thebes. (Gap in Troy after Tros to 1318 BC)
  • 1557 BC - Polybus in Sicyon. Bacchus in Hispania after Romus? (Gap to 1318 BC)
  • 1555 BC - Kamose in Thebes.
  • 1554 BC Tai Geng in Shang. (gap in Rasenna dates after Veibennus to 1284)
  • (1553) - 2 Shamshi-adad in Ashur

1553 BC, Khamudi in Hyksos

  • (1551 BC) - Ammi-Ditana of Babylon destroys wall of Der. Reign of Ammi-Saduqa of Babylon, Hattushili in Hattusas.
  • 1550 BC - Ahmose I in Thebes
  • 1548 BC - Minos II abducts Europa
  • (1547 BC) 2 Ishme-dagan in Ashur
  • 1546 BC - (Gap in Boigeria dates after Larein to 1298 BC)
  • 1545 BC - Aegius in Athens. Pandion II exiled to Megara. Olbius in Celtica, then (gap to 1318)
  • 1540 BC - Ahmose drives out Hyksos, who take Sharuhen from Simeon. 1537 BC - Hasding of Danica kills Uffo; Hunding in Swedica. 1535 BC - Frodo I in Danica.
  • 1534 BC - Ahmose destroys Sharuhen. Cyzicus founded.
  • (1531 BC) 3 Shamshi-adad in Ashur. Fir Bolg invade Ireland.

1530 BC Reign of Samsu-Ditana of Babylon

  • 1529 BC - Voyage of Argonauts; Egyptians campaign in Djahy (Phoenicia)

1528 BC 1 Mursili in Hatti

  • 1527 BC Inachus in Sicyon

1526 BC 1 Amenhotep in Egypt 1523 BC 3 Hammurabi in Yamkhad. Tuatha De in Lochlann 1522 BC Zebul judge in Israel

  • 1516 BC - Ashur-nirari 1 in Ashur

1512 BC Yong Ji in Shang.

  • c. 1505 BC - 1 Thutmose in Egypt. 2nd to 3rd cataracts seized in Kush.

1504 BC - Tutmose campaigned in Syria and Naharin. War of Lapiths and 'Centaurs' in Thessaly. 1503 BC - Lakendun Nower Ori in Ethiopia. 1502 BC - Tutmose seized 3rd to 4th cataracts in Kush.

15th century BC[]

1500 BC - Tuatha De in Scotland. In 1499 BC Hittite king Mursili I sacks Babylon; beginning of Kassite rule in Babylon, renamed Karanduniash. 1 Hantili in Hatti. Agum 2 (Kassite) duke in Babylon / Karanduash; Kirta establishes Mitanni. Kuwari in Terqa. 1498 BC - Sara-El in Halab 1497 BC - Israel is subject to Cushan-Rishathaim of Naharin (Kirta). Phaestus in Sicyon. Theseus in Athens

  • 1494 BC - Amazon war on Thebes, Hippolyta captured
  • 1493 BC - 2 Thutmose in Egypt, Tuatha De Danaan invade Banba
  • 1492 BC - Puzur-assur 3 in Ashur

1489 BC - Othniel defeats Kirta; 1 Shuttarna in Mitanni. Adrastus of Argos in Sicyon. Ragnar in Swedica. 1486 BC - Nuada in Banba.

  • 1485 BC - Adrastus to part of Argos, 7 against Thebes. (gap in Sicyon to 1205 BC) Kaskans destroy Nerik.

In 1483 BC - I Zidanta, Ammuna in Hatti 1480 BC - I Huzziya, Telepinu in Hatti. 1479 BC - Hatshepsut queen in Egypt.

  • 1478 BC - Minos IV establishes laws in Crete

1475 BC - Tahurwaili, Alluwamna in Hatti. 1 Burna-Buryash in Karanduash. 1473 BC - Tutemhab in Ethiopia. 1472 BC - Baratarna / Parshatatar in Mitanni, takes Halab. 1470 BC - 2 Hantili in Hatti.

  • 1467 BC - (gap in Athens to 1206 BC) Minos IV slain in Sicily fighting Daedalus
  • 1466 BC - Enlil-nasir 1 in Assyria. Lug in Banba.
  • 1465 BC - 2 Zidanta in Hatti. Idrimi in Mukish. 3 Kastiliash in Karanduash.
  • 1460 BC - Sannas annexed by Pannonia
  • 1458 BC - 3 Thutmose in Egypt; battle of Megiddo, continues to Euph vs Mitanni & Nia. Halfdan in Danica.

1457 BC - Idrimi treaty with Kizzuwatna

  • 1455 BC - Ulamburiash in Karanduash. End of Sealand.
  • 1454 BC - Nur-ili in Asshur.

1453 BC - Herhator in Ethiopia. 1451 BC - Tutmose III takes Ullaza in Finiqe . 1450 BC - 2 Huzziya in Hatti. Tutmose campaigns on Qadesh, takes Ardata, Simurum. 1449 BC - Shaushtatar in Mitanni; Israel subject to Eglon of Moab. 1447 BC - Tutmose campaigns on Mitanni. 1446 BC - Tutmose sacks Nuhasshe, makes Prince Taku governor of Nuhasshe. 1445 BC -Tutmose defeats Mitanni N. of Halab at Battle of Arana. 1444-1442 BC - Tutmose campaigns around Nuhasshe, taxes Alalakh.

  • 1442 BC - Ashur-rabi 1 in Asshur. 1441 BC - Tutmose campaigns on Shashu.
  • 1439 BC - Agum III in Karanduish. 1438 BC - Tutmose returns to Syria to quell rebellion in Qadesh, Arqa, Tunip. 1436 BC - Agum III controls Dilmun.

1435 BC - Nipmeqa in Mukish. 1433 BC - Ashur-Nadin-Ahe I in Asshur, subject to Mitanni until 1358 BC. Ityopis II in Ethiopia. 1431 BC - Ehud defeats Moab. 1430 BC - Muwatalli I in Hatti. 1428 BC - Tutmose takes Napata in Kush. 1427 BC Amenhotep II coregent in Egypt, destroys statues of Hatshepsut. 1426 BC - Eochaid Ollathair (the Dagda) in Banba. 1425 BC - Tudhaliya I in Hatti. <Maduwatta, Atarshiya; Achaea, Mitanni, Arzawa, Troy, Ishuwa, Kizzuwatna> Amenhotep II succeeds in Egypt.

  • (1423 BC) Enlil-nasir 2 in Assyria. Kara-indash in Karanduniash. 1422 BC - Amenhotep II campaigns on Qatna, Qadesh. 1420 BC - Hothebrot in Swedica. 1418 BC - Amenhotep campaigns in Nuhasshe.
  • (1417 BC) Ashur-nirari II in Assyria; 1416 BC - Amenhotep campains in Djahy.
  • (1410 BC) Ashur-bel-nisheshu in Assyria. Treaty with Kassite.

1409 BC - Artatama I in Mitanni. Sues Eg. for Peace. 1407 BC - Kadashman-harbe in Karanduniash. <Sutu, Elam>. 1403 BC - Senuka I in Ethiopia.

  • (1402 BC) Ashur-rem-nisheshu in Assyria; Roe in Danica.
  • 1401 BC - Thutmose IV in Egypt. <Peace & marriage w. Mitanni>

14th century BC[]

1400 BC - I Arnuwanda in Hatti.<Maduwatta takes Alashiya> 1399 BC - II Shuttarna in Mitanni

  • (1394 BC) Ashur-nadin-ahhe II in Assyria. 1393 BC - Thutmose IV quells rebellion in E. Nubia

1392 BC - 1 Kurigalzu in Karanduish. Elamites expelled Kassites, Kassites take Susan and Anshan, appoint Igihalki. 1391 BC - 3 Amenhotep in Egypt. 1386 BC - Bonu I in Ethiopia. 1384 BC - Eriba-adad I in Assyria. 1381 BC - Egypt Mitanni marriage alliance. 1380 BC - Artashumara in Mitanni. 1379 BC - Tushratta in W. Mitanni, Artatama II in E. Mitanni.

  • 1378 BC - Q Mamuzes in Eth. 1375 BC - Kadashman-enlil 1 in Karanduash.
  • 1374 BC - Q. Aruas in Ethiopia
  • 1373 BC - Amin asro in Ethiopia
  • 1370 BC - Tudhaliya III in Hatti. <Kaska, Hayasa, Masha, Kamalla, Arzawa> 1368 BC - Hothebrot kills Roe; Helga in Danica.
  • 1361-1331 BC - Amarna letters
  • 1360 BC Burnaburiash 2 in Karanduash. 1358 BC Ashur-uballit I in Assyria, independent of Mitanni.
  • 1355 BC Egypt Mitanni marriage. Athils I in Swedica.
  • 1353 BC - Amenhotep IV in Egypt; I Suppiluliuma in Hatti.
  • (1351 BC) Amarna letter EA 17?; Jabin of Hazor subjects Israel. 1350 BC - 1st Syrian campaign of Supiluliuma.

1349 BC - Shuttarna III in Mitanni. Amenhotep IV become Akhenaten. 1343 BC - Ori II in Ethiopia. 1340 BC - Second Hittite-Hurrian war; Shattiwaza installed in Mitanni. 1339 BC - Rolf in Danica.

  • 1336 BC - Queen Nefernefernuaten in Egypt
  • 1334 BC - Smenkhkare in Egypt
  • (1333 BC) Kara-Hardash, Nazi-bugash in Karanduash; Tutankhaten in Egypt;
  • 1332 BC - Ashur-uballit appoints Kurigalzu II in Karanduash. Pelops in Peloponnese.

1331 BC - Deborah and Barak judges in Israel. 1330 BC - Tutankhaten becomes Tutankhamun.

  • 1323 BC - Ay in Egypt; Zannanza, Enlil-nirani in Assyria; defeats Kurigalzu. Goidel in Spain.
  • (1322 BC) Arnuwanda II, Mursili II in Hatti.

1319 BC - Horemheb in Egypt; I Shatuara rules Mitanni.

  • 1318 BC - Eurystheus succeeds Cylarabes in Argos, Sthenelus in Mycenae. Ilus II in Ilium. Galathes II in Celtica, Germania, & Cimmeria; Palatuus in Hispania,
  • 1317 BC - Pelops fights Ilium?
  • 1315 BC Puhunia king of Kaski, Hana to Asshur.
  • 1313 BC - Arik-den-ili in Assyria. 2 Piori in Ethiopia.
  • (1308 BC) Nazi-marutash in Karanduash. 1306 BC - Hother succeeds his brother Athils, rules in Swedia.
  • 1304 BC - Laius k. Thebes abducts Chrysyppus son of Pelops.
  • 1302 BC - Adad-nirari I in Assyria; subjects Mitanni

13th century BC[]

1299 BC - Wasashatta in Mitanni for Asshur. 1298 BC - Amenemhat I in Ethiopia; Ylsing in Boigeria. 1297 BC - Goidel, Eber Finn & Erimon invade Banba.

  • 1295 BC Muwatalli II in Hatti /Milluwanda to Achaea/
  • 1292 BC Ramses I in Egypt
  • 1291 BC - Midian subjects Israel, they and Amalekites seize their crops.
  • 1290 BC Seti I in Egypt. 1289 BC - Seti campaigns in Shashu, Canaan, Lebanon. 1287 BC - Cacus in Hispania. Seti captures Kadesh and Amurru briefly. 1285 BC - Muimne, Luigne, Laigne in Eire. Kaska take Kanesh.
  • 1284 BC - Gideon judge in Israel, defeats Zabhel and Shilmana (or Zebah and Zalmunna) of Midian. Tarchon II in Tyrhennia, Picus II in Italia. Muwatalli's son Hattushili begins to reconquer Upper lands from Kaska to 1274 BC. 1283 BC - Seti I campaigned in Nubia. 1282 BC - Battle of Ard Ladrann; Er, Orba, Feron and Fergna in Eriu (EF); Iriel Faid (ER). Cruithne in Cruithne
  • (1281 BC) Adad-nirari defeats Nazi-marutash. Kadashman-turgu in Karanduash

1279 BC - 2 Shatuara in Mitanni for Assyria. Ramses II in Egypt. 1278 BC - Sherden attack Egypt. Piyama-radu active. 1275 BC - Ramses II takes Amurru. Mursili III (Urhi Teshub) in Hatti.

  • 1274 BC - Battle of Kadesh. 1273 BC - Atreus / Thyestes in Mycenae. 1272 BC - Ramses captures Moab, Jerusalem, Jericho, Damascus. Ethriel (ER) in Eriu. 1271 BC - Ramses campaigns in Amurru, seige of Dapur. Hattushili III in Hatti.
  • (1270 BC) Shalmaneser I in Assyria
  • (1269 BC) Ili-Ipada governs Hanigalbat for Asshur. Last Amurru campaign of Ramses. 1267 BC - Galther II killed fighting rebel Balder in Zealand Danica for Hother. Namnes in Celtica. 1266 BC - Laomedon in Ilium.
  • (1264 BC) Kadashman-enlil II in Karanduash; 1258 BC - Hittite-Egyptian Peace Treaty. Tsawi in Ethiopia.
  • (1255 BC) Kudur-enlil in Karanduash. Rorik succeeds Hother in Danica & Swedica. 1252 BC - Conmael in Eriu (EF). Faunus II in Italia. 1251 BC - Palatuus returns in Hispania. 1248 BC - Greek Hercules born.
  • (1245 BC) Shagarakti-shuriash in Karanduash. Hittite-Egyptian marriage. Mantan of Bohemia rules in Pannonia. Brenner I in Boigeria. Erithreus in Hispania.

1244 BC - Abimilech king in Shechem. 1243 BC - Actisanis in Ethiopia.

  • (1241 BC) - Tukulti-ninurta I in Assyria; Tudhaliya IV in Hatti; Battle of Nihriya; Tola judge in Israel.
  • 1239 BC - Hanigalbat direct rule by Assyria. 1237 BC - Tyberinus in Tyrrhenia.
  • 1233 BC - Hercules captures Menalippe, sacks Troy. Mandis in Ethiopia. Priam in Ilium.
  • (1232 BC) Kashtiliash 4 in Karanduash
  • (1223 BC) Tukulti-ninurta defeats Karanduash; places Enlil-nadin-shum viceroy in Karanduash (Tuk 19) Dilmun, Meluhha. Kadashman-harbe 2, viceroy in Karanduash
  • (1222 BC) Adad-shum-idina viceroy in Karanduash. Remus in Celtica. Tigernmas in Eriu (ER).
  • 1218 BC - Jair judge in Israel
  • (1216 BC) Adad-shum-usur in Karanduash. Protous in Ethiopia. 1214 BC - Polypheides in Sicyon.
  • 1213 BC - Merenptah in Egypt 1210 BC - Latinus in Latium.
  • (1209 BC) Arnuwanda 3 in Hatti. 1208 - Aegisthus in Mycenae. Merneptah defeats Achaea, Lukku, Siceli, Sherden, Tyrhenni. 1206 BC - Wiglek in Danica.
  • 1207 BC - Supiluliuma II in Hatti. Heccar in Boigeria, Greece, Asia.
  • (1205 BC) - Ashur-nadin-apli in Assyria; Menestheus in Athens.
  • 1203 BC - Seti II in Egypt. 1202 BC - Mezentius in Tyrrhenia.
  • (1201 BC) - Ashur-nirari III in Assyria; 1201-1199 Amenmesse in Upper Egypt

12th century BC[]

1198 BC - Agamemnon in Mycenae.

  • 1197 Siptah in Egypt.

(1196 BC) Enlil-kudurri-usur in Assyria; Ammon & Philistia subject Israel. Greek Hercules kills self.

  • 1193 BC - Trojan War
  • (1191 BC) - Assyria defeated by Kassites who retake Babylon; Ninurta-apal-ekur in Assyria, Twosret queen in Egypt.
  • c. 1190 BC - Ethiopia divided?
  • 1189 BC - Setnakhte in Egypt.

(1186 BC) - Meli-shipak in Karanduash. Ramses III in Egypt. 1185 BC - Memnon & Amazons help Priam. Sea Peoples destroy Ugarit, Emar. 1184 BC - Mopsus in Cilicia? (1183 BC) - Fall of Troy. 1182 BC - Demophon in Athens. Fib in Cruithne. Sea Peoples attack Egypt. 1180 BC - Pelasgus in Sicyon. Tarchon III in Tyrhennia, Aeneas in Latium. 1179 BC - Sea Peoples attack Egypt. (1178 BC) - Downfall of Hatti. Ashur-dan I in Assyria; Jephthah defeats Ammon, becomes judge. 1176 BC - Gargoris in Hispania. Frank in Celtica and Boigeria. Ascanius in Latium. Lydians control sea. 1175 BC - Sea Peoples attack Egypt. 1172 BC - Ibzan judge in Israel. Hippolytus in Sicyon. (1171 BC) - Athils II in Swedica. Marduk-apla-idina in Karanduash. Agamemnon subjects Sicyon? 1168 BC - Aegisthus returns in Mycenae. 1165 BC - Elon judge in Israel. Mushki invade Alzi, Purulumzi. 1161 BC) - Orestes in Mycenae. 1160 BC - Assyrians repel Mushki invasion. 1159 BC - Zeuxippus in Sicyon. (1158 BC) - Zababa-shum-idina in Karanduash. Wermund in Danica. Circinn in Cruithne. (1157 BC) - Enlil-nadin-ahe in Karanduash (1155 BC) - Kassites overthrown by Shutruk-Nahunte of Elam; Abdon judge in Israel. Ramses IV in Egypt. (1154 BC) - Marduk-kabit-ahesu in Babylon. Ilium recaptured by sons of Hector. 1153 BC - Tigernmas d.; 7 yr interregnum in Eriu. 1149 BC - Oxyntes in Athens. Ramses V in Egypt. 1148 BC - Libyans invade to Thebes.

  • 1147 BC - Philistines subject Israel. 1146 BC - Tisamenus in Mycenae. 1145 BC - Eochaid Etgudach elected in Eriu. Ramses VI in Egypt.

1141 BC (Jer 1146) Amazons burn Ephesus. Cermna Finn & Sobairce in Eire. Botwild in Swedica. 1140 BC) - Iti-Marduk-Belatu in Babylon. 1137 BC - Sylvius Postumus in Latium. Ramses 7 in Egypt. Apheidas in Athens. 1136 BC - Thymoetes in Athens. Ocnus Bianor in Tyrrhenia. 1135 BC - Wolf Siclinger in Boigeria. (1133 BC) - Ninurta-tukulti-asshur, Muttakil-Nusku in Assyria (1132 BC) - Ashur-resh-ishi in Assyria; Ninurta-nadin-shumi in Babylon. 1130 BC - Ramses 8 in Egypt. 1129 BC - Ramses 9 in Egypt. End of Sicyon kings; Archelaus priest of Apollo. 1128 BC - Melanthos of Pylos in Athens.

  • 1127 BC - Samson leads Israel under Philistine

(1126 BC) - Nebuchadnezzar I in Babylon. Uffe in Danica. 1119 BC - Sicamber in Sicambria. (1116 BC) - Brutus lands at Totnes. Dan II in Danica. (1114 BC) - Tiglath-Pileser I in Assyria. 1112-1109 BC - conquests of Tiglath-pilesar. 1111 BC - Ramses 10 in Egypt. Pypinus in Tyrrhenia. 1108 BC - Aeneas Sylvius in Latium. (1107 BC) - Eli becomes judge. Brutus divides Britain in 3. Ramses 11 in Egypt. (1104 BC) - Enlil-nadin-apli in Babylon. 1103 BC - Return of Heracleidae, Dorian invasion. 1101 BC - Eurystheus in Lacedaemon, Aletes in Corinth. Eochaid Faebar Glas in Eriu (EF)

11th century BC[]

(1100 BC) - Marduk-nadin-ahhe in Babylon

  • 1099 BC - Mangais of Pannonia renames it Tantamo. Karl in Swedica; Hugleik in Danica. 1098 BC - Fidach chief in Alba. 1096 BC - Codrus in Athens.

1092 BC - Locrinus in Loegria. 1089 BC - Renaissance Era proclaimed in Egypt, Herihor rules south. 1083 BC - Piankhi I in Ethiopia, & Thebes (1082 BC) - Marduk-shapik-zeri in Babylon. 1081 BC - Fiachu Labrainne in Eriu (ER). 1080 BC - Albanacta invaded by Hymyr or Olmucaid. 1077 BC - Keltes, Galther & Hillyr in Boigeria. Amazons, Cimmerians to Scythia. Latinus Silvius in Latium. Smendes in Egypt. (1075 BC) - Ashared-apil-ekur in Assyria. Medon in Athens. 1074 Pinudjem I in Eth, Thebes (1073 BC) - Ashur-bel-kala in Assyria. 1072 Q. Gwendolin in Brit. 1069 BC - Masaherta co-ruler in Eth. (1068 BC) - Philistines capture Ark

  • (1067 BC) - Samuel defeats Philistines; Ark moves to Kiryat. 1066 BC - Ixion in Corinth.

(1065 BC) - Adad-apla-iddina in Babylon. 1062 BC - Pinudjem I declared Pharaoh in Thebes. Masaherta High Priest. 1061 BC - Eochu Mumu in Eriu (EF). 1059 BC - Agis in Lacedaemon. Priam I in Sicambria. 1058 BC - Echistratus in Lacedaemon. Fortrenn in Alba. 1057 BC - Peleset control Baetia. Madan in Brit. Pinudjem II (Djedkonsuefankh) rules with Masaherta in Eth.

  • (1055 BC) - Eriba-adad 2 in Assyria. Acastus in Athens. Neius Fesulanus in Tyrrhenia.

(1053 BC) - Shamshi-adad 4 in Assyria. Magnesia founded. Menkhepere High Priest in Thebes; Pinedjem II rules alone in Eth. 1051 BC - (gap in Swedica after Karl to ca 300 BC). Amenemnisu in Egypt. 1050 BC - Cumae Italy founded.

  • (1049 BC) - Ashurnasirpal I in Assyria

(1047 BC) - King Saul of Israel; Marduk-ahhe-eriba in Babylon. Psusennes I in Egypt. (gap in Danica after Hugleik to 175 BC) (1046 BC) - Marduk-zer-... in Babylon. 1045 BC - Ephesus rebuilt by Andronicus. 1043 BC - Migration of Ionians. 1041 BC - Oengus Olmucaid in Eriu. (ER)

  • (1034 BC) - Nabu-shum-libur in Babylon

(1030 BC) - Shalmaneser II in Assyria. 1029 BC - Agelaus in Corinth. 1027 BC - Alber etc in Germany. Alba Sylvius in Latium.

  • (1026 BC) - Sunbar-shipak in Babylon. 1023 BC - Labotes in Lacedaemon. 1019 BC - Archippus in Athens.

(1018 BC) - Ashur-nirari 4 in Assyria. Mempricius in Brit. 1017 BC - Pyseus the Pirate in Tyrrhenia. Menkhepere in Eth. 1014 BC - Enna Airgdech in Eriu (EF).

  • (1012 BC) - Ashur-rabi II in Assyria
  • (1008 BC - Ea-mukin-zeri in Babylon

(1007 BC) - David king in Hebron; Kassu-nadin-ahhe in Babylon; 1006 BC - Thrace controls Baetia.

  • (1005 BC) - Eulma-shakin-shumi in Babylon. 1001 BC - Amenemope in Egypt; Smendes II HP; Pinudjem III/II & Sebi IV in Eth.

10th century BC[]

(1000 BC) - David king in Jerusalem; Thersippus in Athens. 999 BC - Pinedjem III/II HP in Thebes. 997 BC - Ebraucus in Brit < >. 994 BC - Sebi IV alone in Eth. 992 BC - Osorkhon (Meshwesh) in Egypt. Prymnis in Corinth.

  • c. 990 BC - Tewasya Dews in Eth.

(988 BC) - Ninurta-kudurri-usur 1 in Babylon. Floclaid in Alba. Aegyptus SYlvius in Latium. 987 BC - Rothechthaid mac Main in Eriu (ER). 986 BC - Siamun in Egypt. Dorysthus in Lacedaemon. Samos founded, Smyrna expanded. (985 BC) - Siriki-shuqamuna in Babylon (984 BC) - Mar-biti-apla-usur in Babylon (979 BC) - Nabu-mukin-apli in Babylon. Hector in Sicambria.

  • c. 977 BC - Q. Makeda in Eth. Pinedjem II/III d., Psusennes III HP. 972 BC - Thracians occupy Bithynia.

(971 BC) - Ashur-resh-ishi II in Assyria (967 BC) - Solomon of Israel. Walther, Panno & Schardn in Boig. Psusennes II / III Pharaoh in Egypt. (966 BC) - Tiglath-pileser II in Assyria. 965 BC - Tuscus II in Tyrrhenia. Jerus. Temple built. 964 BC - Capis Sylvius in Latium. 962 BC - Setna Airt in Eriu. 959 BC - Phorbas in Athens. 958 BC - Got in Alba. 957 BC - Brutus II Greenshield in Brit. Fiachu Finnscothach in Eriu. Agesilaus in Lacedaemon, Bacchis in Corinth.

  • c. 946 BC - Minelik I in Eth. Ce in Alba. 945 BC - Leill in Brit.

(943 BC) - Nimurta-kudurri-usur 2 in Babylon. Shoshenq I in Egypt. (942 BC) - Mar-biti-ahhe-idin in Babylon. 937 BC - Muinemon in Eriu. (EF). 936 BC - Carpentius Sylvius in Latium. (934 BC) - Ashur-dan II in Assyria. 932 BC - Faildergdoit in Eriu. (EF) 931 BC - Fibaid in Alba. Lanan in Tantamo. (928 BC) - Rehoboam, Jeroboam. 926 BC - Amnus in Tyrrhenia. 923 BC - Tyberinus Sylvius in Latium. Shoshenk raids Judah. (922 BC) - Osorkhon I in Egypt. Ollom Fotla in Eriu. Agelas in Corinth. Megacles in Athens. 921 BC - Handyon in Ethiopia. 920 BC - Rhodes controls Baetia. Lud Hudibras in Brit. Atserkamen Zerah I in Ethiopia. 915 BC - Agrippa Sylvius in Latium. (c. 914 BC) - Shamash-mudammiq in Babylon. 913 BC - Archelaus in Lacedaemon. (911 BC - Adad-Nirari II in Assyria. Abijam in Judah (909 BC) - Asa in Judah (908 BC) - Nadab in Israel (907 BC) - Baasha in Israel. Gede Ollgudach in Alba. 905 BC - Main, Angel & Treible in Boig. 901 BC - Felsinus in Tyrrhenia.

9th century BC[]

(899 BC) - Nabu-shum-ukin in Babylon. Zerah I invades Judah. 897 BC - Baetia to Phrygians. 895 BC - Amenhotep Zegdur Tomatsion in Ethiopia. 894 BC - Assyria subjects Bit-Bahiani. 892 BC - Diognetus in Athens. Eudemus in Corinth. (890 BC) - Tikulti-Ninurta II in Assyria. 889 BC - Troirus in Sicambria. Bassibilan in Pannonia? (887 BC) - Nabu-apla-iddina in Babylon. Shoshenq II in Egypt. 885 BC - Takelot I in Egypt. (884 BC) - Elah in Israel (883 BC) - Zimri; Tibni vs. Omri in Israel. Ashurnasirpal II in Assyria. 882 BC - Finnachta in Eriu. Assyria subjects Carchemish. 881 BC - Baldud in Brit. 880 BC - Malan in Tantamo (6 mos). (879 BC) - Omri alone in Israel. Manay of Bohemia rules Tantamo. Bit Zamani rebels. 877 BC - Bit Adini submits to Assyria. 875 BC - Aremulus Sylvius in Latium. (872 BC) - Ahab in Israel. Baetia to Cyprus. Osorkhon II in Egypt; Harsiese antiPharaoh to 860. 870 BC - Assyria subjects Pattin, Bit Agusi. (869 BC) - Jehoshaphat in Judah. 867 BC - Aristomedes in Corinth. 864 BC - Aksumay I Ramesses in Ethiopia. Phereclus in Athens.

862 BC - Slanol in Eriu. Bon in Tyrrhenia. 861 BC - Leir in Brit. (858 BC) - Shalmaneser 3 in Assyria. Arame in Urartu. 856 BC - Aventinus Sylvius in Latium. (854 BC) - Marduk-zakir-shumi I in Babylon (853 BC) - Samarian alliance; battle of Qarqar. Ahab fights Shalmaneser 3 of Assyria, dies fighting Ben-Hadad of Aram and is succeeded by Ahaziah in Israel. (852 BC) - Joram in Israel (848 BC) - Jehoram in Judah. 847 BC - Syria subjects Hamath. 845 BC - Gede Ollgothach in Eriu. Ariphron in Athens. 844 BC - Atserkamen Zerah II in Ethiopia. Lutipri in Urartu. (841 BC) - Zerah II attacks Judah; Ahaziah, Athaliah in Judah; Jehu in Israel, pays tribute to Shalmaneser 3. 840 BC - Takelot II in Upper Egypt. 839 BC - Baetia to Phoenicia. Torgot in Sicambria.

837 BC - Shoshenq III in Lower Egypt. (835 BC) - Joash in Judah. Myela, Laber & Penno in Boig. 834 BC - Atrius in Tyrrhenia. Sarduri I in Urartu. 832 BC - Agemon in Corinth. 831 BC - Surri rebels in Pattin. 830 BC - Pedubast I and Iuput I at Thebes. 828 BC - Ishpuini in Urartu. 827 BC - Gede killed; Fiachu Findoilches in Eriu, Denbecan in Alba.

826-820 BC - Revolt of Ashur-danin-pal in Assyria. 825 BC - Thespiseus in Athens. (823 BC) - Shamshi-adad 5 in Assyria. 819 BC - Arbaces in Media. Pedubast I alone in Thebes. Procas Sylvas in Latium. (818 BC) - Marduk-balassu-iqbi in Babylon. Teleclus in Lacedaemon. 816 BC - Alexander in Corinth. (814 BC) - Joahaz in Israel. Aganippus & Lear retake Britannia. 813 BC - Olfinechta in Alba. (812 BC) - Baba-ah-idina in Babylon. 811 BC - Q. Cordelia in Brit. (810 BC) - Adad-nerari III in Assyria. Menua in Urartu. 807 BC - Berngal in Eriu. Marsias in Tyrrhenia. Shoshenq VI at Thebes. 806 BC - Tewasya II in Ethiopia. 805 BC - Caranus in Macedonia.

8th century BC[]

(800 BC) - Joash in Israel (not the same); (799 BC) - Amaziah in Judah. 798 BC - Shoshenq IV in Lower Egypt. Osorkhon III in Upper Egypt. 796 BC - Morgan & Cunedag divide Brit. Amulius Sylvius in Latium. Adad-Nirari takes Damascus. 795 BC - Ailill mac Slanol in Eriu. (EF) 794 BC - Cunedag alone in Brit. 'Egyptians control sea.' 791 BC - Tongris in Sicambria. Sosarmus in Media, Telestes at Corinth. 789 BC - 1st trireme sailed at Corinth (Jerome). Etalus in Tyrrhenia. 788 BC - Aeschylus in Athens. 786 BC - Argishti I in Urartu.

  • (785 BC) - Jeroboam 2 in Israel. Damascus subjected to Israel. Pami in Lower Egypt. Aksumay II in Ethiopia

(782 BC) - Shalmaneser 4 in Assyria; Sirna Seglach in Eriu (ER), separates Ulster. 779 BC Automenes at Corinth. 778 BC - Shoshenq V in lower Egypt. Temple destroyed, Alcmenes in Lacedaemon. 776 BC - First Olympiad. 775 BC - Coenus in Macedonia. 774 BC - Takelot III coPharaoh in Upper Egypt. Cyprus to Phoenicia. Jonah floruit.

  • (772 BC) - Ashur-dan 3 in Assyria

(771 BC) - Azariah in Judah. Trireme at Athens (Jerome) 769 BC - Takelot III alone in Upper Egypt. 767 BC - Ardysus in Lydia. 765 BC - Alcmaeon in Athens. 764 BC - Sarduri II in Urartu. 763 BC - Riwallon in Brit. Charops archon in Athens. 761 BC - Rothectaid Rotha in Eriu (EF). Cardicas in Media. Cyrene resettled from Thera. (760 BC) - Nabu-shum-ishkun in Babylon. Rudamun in Upper Egypt. 759 BC - Kashta in Ethiopia. Baetia to Militis, Naucratis blt?. Caelius in Tyrrhenia. 756 BC - Ini in Thebes, Peftjaubast in Heracleopolis, Nimlot at Hermopolis. 755 BC - Adhur-nirari V in Assyria. 754 BC - Elim Olfinecta in Eriu (EF). 753 BC - Olfinechta killed; Giallchad in Eriu (ER), Guidid Gaed Brechach in Alba. Founding of Rome. Aesimides in Athens. Sacrifice abolished in Judah (Amos). 752 BC - Romulus in Latium. Aramaic official in Assyria. 751 BC - earthquake in Judah. Jothan coregent in Judah.

  • (748 BC) - Zechariah in Israel
  • (747 BC) - Shallum, Menahem in Israel; Nabonassar in Babylon. Tyrimmas in Macedon.

(745 BC) - Tiglath-pileser III in Assyria. 744 BC - Art Imlech in Eriu. II Piyanki (Piye) in Ethiopia. Tiglath annexes Parsuash, Media. 743 BC - Cleidicus in Athens. 743-740 BC - Tiglath sacks, destroys Arpad, subjects Ammon. 743-724 BC - First Sparta-Messenian war. 742 BC - Midas in Phrygia. ?741 BC - Pedubast II in lower Egypt. Naxus founded in Sicily. Polydorus in Lacedaemon. 740 BC - Jotham in Judah. Rezon II in Damascus.

  • (738 BC) - Byblos, Damascus & Menahem pay tribute to Tiglath-Pilesar 3 of Assyria; Pekahiah succeeds him in Israel. Syracuse founded. Galeritus in Etruria.
  • (737 BC) - Pekah in Israel

(736 BC) - Catinia founded in Sicily. (735 BC) - Ahaz in Judah. Venno, Helter in Boig. Rusa I in Urartu. Pekah & Rezon rebel from Assyria.

  • (733 BC) - Nabu-nadin-zeri in Babylon. Tiglath subjects Hazor, Judah.

(732 BC) - Hoshea in Israel. Nuadu Finn Fail in Eriu (ER). Tefnakht in Sais. Phrygia defeats Que, Assyrian vassal. Tiglath sacks, annexes Damascus. (731 BC) - Nabu-mukin-zeri in Babylon. Deioces in Media. Alyattes I in Lydia. 730 BC - Osorkhon IV in Tanis. Baetia to Caria. Tiglath-Pileser in Babylon; Moab subjected. ca 730-720 BC - Cimmerians overrun Colchis. (726 BC) - Shalmaneser 5 in Assyria; Ululayu in Babylon. 726-720 BC - Que rebels, is annexed by Assyria. 725 BC - Bakenranef in Sais. Piye / Piankhi invades Upper Egypt? 724 BC - Theuton in Sicambria. Shalmaneser conquers Edom. 722 BC - Merodach-baladan II in Babylon. Sargon II in Assyria.

  • (721 BC) - Sargon of Assyria defeats Israel, takes Samaria
  • 720 BC - Gennan of Tantamo adopts Judaism. 718 Lukius Tuscus in Etruria. 717 BC - Gurgustius (Gorust) in Brit. Meles in Lydia.
  • 716 BC - Upper Tantamo breaks off as Mittanauz. Hezekiah in Judah. 714 BC - Shebitku in all Egypt, Q. Nikanta Hindeke (Ameneritis) in Ethiopia. Numa Pompilius in Rome. Argishti II in Urartu. Sargon sacks Musasir. 713 BC - Sargon annexes Tabal, subjects Medes. 712 BC - Sargon sacks Kummuhu, Cimmerians invade Anatolia. 711 BC - Nicomedia founded. 710 BC - Sargon of Assyria in Babylon. 709 BC - Sargon conquers Cyprus. 706 BC- Tarentum, Corcyra founded. 705 BC - Shabaka II in Egypt & Ethiopia. Sennacherib in Assyria & Babylon. Candaules in Lydia. 704 BC - Perdiccas I in Macedonia. 703 BC - Gest Gurcich in Alba. Marduk-zakin-shumi II, Marduk-baladan II again, Bel-ibni in Babylon.

7th century BC[]

  • 700 BC - Ashur-nadin-shumi son of Senaccherib in Babylon.
  • 695 BC - Stephinates (Tefnakht II) pharaoh in Sais. Phrygia loses Pergamum to Lydia. 694 BC - Nergal-ushezib in Babylon. 693 BC - Mushezib-marduk in Babylon. Cibitius in Etruria. 692 BC - Bres Ri in Eriu. 691 BC - Phaselis founded in Pamphylia. 690 BC - Tirhaqa in Egypt & Ethiopia. Cimmerians overrun Phrygia. 689 BC - Sennacherib again in Babylon.
  • 687 BC - Gyges in Lydia. Manasseh in Judah.
  • 685 BC - Chalcedon founded.
  • 683 BC - Eochu Aptach in Eriu. 682 BC - Finn Mac Blatha in Eriu. Hispania to Lesbos. 681 BC - Asradon in Assyria, Babylonia. 680 BC - Rusa II in Urartu. 679 BC - Saisylt in Britannia. Cimmerians attack Cilicia, Tabal, Esarhaddon defeats Teuspa of Cimmerians. 678 BC - Phraortes in Media, allies w. Ishpaka of Scythia. Nekauba? in Sais. 677 BC - Wurgest in Alba.
  • 675 BC - Esrahaddon kills Ishpaka; Bartatua king of Scythians
  • 673 BC - Tullus Hostilius in Rome. 672 BC - Necho I in Sais. 671 BC - Assyrians invade Egypt. 670 BC - Agrippa in Sicambria. 669 BC - Shamash-shum-ukin son of Esarhaddon in Babylonia. Asnafer (Ashurbanipal) in Assyria.
  • 665 BC - Mader in Boigeria. 664 BC - Erdamen Awsya in Ethiopia & Damet; Tantamuni in Egypt. Psamtik I in Lower Egypt.
  • 662 BC - Setna Inaraid in Eriu.
  • 660 BC - Tugdammis rules Cimmerians etc. 659 BC - Byzantium settled. 658 BC - Tantamuni in Ethiopia. 657 BC - Histrus settled in Pontus. 656 BC - Psamtik I reunifies Egypt. Madyus the Scythian in Media. Argaeus I in Macedon.
  • 653 BC - Tomadyon III Piankhi (Atlanersa) in Kush. 652 BC - Cimmerians attack Lydia. Ardys in Lydia. 651-648 BC - Civil War in Assyria.
  • 648 BC - Kendalanu in Babylonia. 647 BC - Brude Bont, 30 Brudes in Alba. Boristhenes founded in Pontus.
  • 642 BC - Siomon Brek in Eriu. Amon in Judah. Amine Asro (Amanislo / Senkamenesken) in Napata. 641 BC - Ancus Marcius in Rome. 640 BC - Josiah in Judah. Madyus kills Tugdamis. 639 BC - Sarduri III in Urartu.
  • 636 BC - Dui Finn in Eriu. 635 BC - Erimena in Urartu.
  • 630 BC - Iago (Ambigot?) in Britannia. Ashur-etil-ilani in Assyria; Scythians penetrate to Palestine. Sinope founded. 629 BC - Rusa III in Urartu.
  • 627 BC - Ambron in Sicambria. 626 BC - Muiredach Bolgrach in Eriu. Sin-sumu-lishir, Sinsharishkun in Assyria, Babylonia. Nabopolassar in Babylonia. Piankhi IV Awthyo (Anlamen) in Napata. 625 BC - Enna Derg in Eriu.
  • 622 BC - Arganthonius of Tartessos drives Phoenicians to Cadiz. 621 BC - Sadyattes in Lydia.
  • 618 BC - Philippus I in Macedon. Tarquinius Priscus in Rome. Baldweiss occupies Etruria as far as Ancona.
  • 616 BC - Cyaxares in Media. 615 BC - Sarduri IV in Urartu. 614 BC - Hispania to Phocaea. 613 BC - Lugaid Iyardon in Eriu. 612 BC - Ashur-uballit II in Assyria (Haran). 611 BC - Lucumo Clusinus in Etruria.
  • 610 BC - Brenner II and Konman / Kekman in Boigeria. Necho II in Egypt. 609 BC - Alyattes II in Lydia, first coinage. Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim in Judah.
  • 605 BC - Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylonia. End of Assyria-Haran. 604 BC - Sirlam in Eriu.
  • 602 BC - Kinfark / Kinimacus in Britannia.

6th century BC[]

  • 598 BC - Salant of Pannonia in Mittanauz. Massilia founded. Jeconiah (Jehoiachin) in Judah. 597 BC - Eochu Uairches in Eriu. Zedekiah in Judah.
  • 595 BC - Psamtik II in Egypt. Rusa IV in Urartu. 594 BC - Solon reforms Athenian constitution. 593 BC - Aspurta / Aspelta in Napata.
  • 589 BC - Apries (Wahibre) in Egypt. 588-541 BC? - Second Zoroaster.
  • 586 BC - Fall of Jerusalem to Babylon. Jews settle Khaybar. 585 BC - Medes conquer Urartu. Eclipse predicted by Thales; Mede-Lydia border on Halys. Astyages in Media. Aeropus in Macedon. Eochu Fíadmuine and Conaing Bececlach in Eriu.
  • 580 BC - Lugaid Lamderg and Conaing Bececlach in Eriu. Cambyses I in Persis. Phoenicians defeat Greeks at Lilybaeum Sicily. 579 BC - Servius Tullus in Rome.
  • 574 BC - Conaing Brececlach alone in Eriu. 573 BC - Rhetus in Etruria.
  • 570 BC - Hispania to Babylon, Thalassocracy to Samos. Amasis II in Egypt. Orontes I Sakavakyats in Armenia.
  • 568 BC - Abaris the Scythian in Greece (Jerome)
  • 565 BC - Alcetas in Macedon. 564 BC - Art mac Lugdach in Eriu.
  • 562 BC - Hispania to Carthage. Amel-Marduk in Babylon. Alalia settled in Corsica.
  • 560 BC - Croesus in Lydia. Phocaea falls to Lydia. Neriglissar in Babylon. Tigranes in Armenia. 559 BC - Cyrus the Great in Persia. 558 BC - Ailill Finn in Eriu. 557-527 BC - Ministry of Mahavira in India. 557 BC - Babylon invades Cilicia. 556 BC - Labashi-marduk, Nabonidus in Babylon.
  • 553 BC - Laptan IV changes Mittanauz to Fannaw. Persia rebels from Medes. Hyellus in Etruria.
  • 551 BC - Harsiotef in Napata. 550 BC - Mago I in Carthage. End of Mede empire? or Cyaxares II to 537 BC. 549 BC - Eochu mac Ailella in Eriu. Cilicia to Persia. 548 BC - Gurfiu in Britannia. 547 BC - Thuringus in Sicambria. Amyntas I in Macedon. Phocaeans found Empuries. 546 BC - Persia conquers Anatolia to Lydia. 545 BC - Coinage at Athens.
  • 542 BC - Airgetmar in Eriu. Macedon subject to Persia.
  • 539 BC - Cyrus conquers Babylon. first Armenian revolt. Nastasen / Nastosenen in Meroe.
  • 535 BC - Lucius Tarquinius Superbus in Rome. Corsica to Etruscans.
  • 531 BC - Lao Tzu writes Dao De Ching in China. 530 BC - Thamyris in Getae and Massagetae, kills Cyrus. Cambyses II in Persia. Samians found Puteoli. Vahagn in Armenia. Gadir and Tartessos to Carthage. Hasdrubal I in Carthage
  • 528-483 BC - Ministry of Gautama in India.
  • 526 BC - Psamtik III in Egypt. 525 BC - Cambyses II in Egypt. Hidasp / Siaspiqa / Handiw Abra in Meroe.
  • 522 BC - Bardiya / Gaumata, Darius I in Persia. Petubastis II rebels in Egypt. 521 BC - second Armenian revolt. 520 BC - Darius I in Egypt.
  • 517 BC - Spartans control sea. 516 BC - Maherbal in Cadiz, Tartessos? 515 BC - Naxians control sea. Hidarnes I in Armenia. 514 BC - Sefolia Nekibon / Amani Nakatilebte in Meroe.
  • 512 BC - Dui Ladrach in Eriu. Thrace vassal to Darius, Colchis taken.
  • 510 BC - Hamilcar I in Carthage. 509 BC - Republic proclaimed in Rome. Lars Porsena Clusius in Etruria. Anthinus in Getae.
  • 505 BC - Eretrians control sea. Landein & Antar in Swabia
  • 502 BC - Lugaid Laigde in Eriu.

5th century BC[]

  • 499-493 BC - Ionian Revolt. 498 BC - Rantanaiz changes Fannaw to Aurata; Halman in Pannonia. Alexander I in Macedon. Hasdrubal & Hamilcar sons of Mago in Hispania.
  • 495 BC - Aed Ruad in Eriu (1)
  • 490 BC - Ferrex & Porrex in Britannia. Aeginetans control sea to 480 BC.
  • 488 BC - Dithorba in Eriu (1). Psamtik III rebels in Egypt.
  • 486 BC - Xerxes I in Persia. 485-434 BC - Pentarchy in Britannia. 484 BC - Xerxes retakes Egypt. 483 BC - Agelbul / Analmaye in Meroe.
  • 481 BC - Cimbaeth in Eriu. (1) 480 BC - Battle of Thermopylae. Hanno II in Carthage. Archeanax establishes Cimmerian Bosphorus.
  • c. 475 BC - Tanobonta in Getae, Antar in Swabia. 474 BC - Aed Ruad in Eriu (2). 473 BC - Cimber in Sicambria.
  • 467 BC - Dithorba in Eriu (2).
  • 465 BC - Artaxerxes I in Persia. 464 BC - Psapho in Hispania.
  • 462 BC - Phismeret in Meroe.
  • 460 BC - Cimbaeth in Eriu (2). Himilco I in Sicily. Teres I in Odrysian Thrace.
  • 456 BC - Hanno & Himilcar, Gisgo in Hispania.
  • 454 BC - Alcetas II in Macedon. 453 BC - Aed Ruad in Eriu (3).
  • 451 BC - Hannibal I in Hispania. Tolumnius Veiens in Etruria. 450 BC - Sparadocos in Thrace.
  • 446 BC - Dithorba in Eriu (3). 445 BC - Perdiccas II in Macedon.
  • 441 BC - Awsya Burakos / Astabarqa in Meroe. Rettan of Panno changes Aurata to Fila. 440 BC - Marcomir I in Sicambria, Breitmar in Bavaria. Hannibal I in Carthage. 439 BC - Cimbaeth in Eriu (3). 438 BC - Spartokos in Bosphorus. 437 BC - Mulmicius Dunwallon in Britannia.
  • 432 BC - Cimbaeth & Q. Macha Mong Ruad in Eriu. Satyros in Bosphorus. 432-424 BC - Peloponnesian War. 431 BC - Mago II in Hispania. Sitalces in Thrace. 430 BC - Octamasadas in Scythia. 429 BC - Qeniz Phismes / Gatisen in Meroe. Eques Tuscus in Etruria. 428 BC - Hanno III in Hispania.
  • 425 BC - Rogar in Swabia? Q Macha Mong Ruad alone in Eriu. 424 BC - Xerxes II, Sogdianus in Persia. Seuthes in Thrace. 423 BC - Darius II in Persia.
  • 418 BC - Rechtaid Rigderg in Eriu.
  • 416 BC - Aphraso in Meroe.
  • 413 BC - Archelaus I in Macedon. 412 BC - Antenor I in Sicambria.
  • 410 BC - Amadocus I in Thrace.
  • 406 BC - Kashata wolde Ihuhu in Meroe. Himilco II in Carthage. Sicily war w. Carthage & Hispania. 405 BC - Seuthes II in Thrace.
  • 404 BC - Artaxerxes II in Persia. Amyrtis (Amenirdisu) in Egypt.

4th century BC[]

  • 400 BC - Greek alphabet reformed. Bastareus in Paeonia. 399 BC - Death of Socrates. Craterus, Orestes & Aeropus II in Macedon. Nepherites I in Egypt. 398 BC - Ugaine Mor in Eriu. Brenner III & Belinus in Britannia.
  • 396 BC - Manton I in Fila. Mago II in Carthage. 395 BC - Archelaus II in Macedon.
  • 393 BC - Amyntas II, Pausanias, Amyntas III, Argaeus II in Macedon. Psammuthes, Hakor in Egypt. Brenner III in Bavaria, Sennones, Swabia. 392 BC - Amyntas III in Macedon.
  • 390 BC - Hebryzelmus in Thrace. Hecataeus in Sindike. Brenner sacks Rome. 389 BC - Leucon & Gorgippus in Bosphorus. Livius Fidenas in Etruria.
  • 386 BC - Elialion Tianki / Pankhaler in Meroe.
  • 384 BC - Cotys I in Thrace. 383 BC - Oktamasandes in Sindike. 382 BC - Priam II in Sicambria.
  • 380 BC - Nepherites II in Egypt. 379 BC - Nectanebo I in Egypt. 378 BC - Teutamado in Paeonia.
  • 376 BC - Atserk Amen III / Mawelieb Amani in Meroe. 375 BC - Mago III in Carthage.
  • 373 BC - Gurguintus in Britannia. Gilgidi in Pictish Alba.
  • 371 BC - Alexander II in Macedon.
  • 368 BC - Ptolemaeus of Alorus in Macedon.
  • 366 BC - Atserk Amen IV / Talakh Amani in Meroe. 365 BC - Perdiccas III in Macedon.
  • 361 BC - Teos in Egypt. Schirm in Boigeria. 360 BC - Nectanebo II in Egypt. 359 BC - Philippus in Macedon. Antheas in Getae. Cersobleptes in E Thrace, Berisades in W Thrace, Amatokos II in Central Thrace. Agis in Paeonia. 358 BC - Bodbchad, Loegaire Lorc in Eriu. Artaxerxes III in Persia. Grabus in Illyria.
  • 356 BC - Hadina / Akhraten in Meroe. Lyccaeus in Paeonia. Helenus I in Sicambria. Pleuratus I in Illyria. Cobthach Coel Breg in Eriu.
  • 354 BC - Guintollius in Britannia.
  • 352 BC - Cetriporus in W. Thrace. 351 BC - Teres II in Central Thrace.
  • 349 BC - Spartokos II & Pairisades I in Bosphorus.
  • 346 BC - Atserk Amen V / Amani Neteyerike in Meroe.
  • 344 BC - Hanno III in Carthage. 343 BC - Artaxerxes III in Egypt. 342 BC - Rattan II in Fila. Pairisades alone in Bosphorus. 341 BC - Seuthes III in Thrace. Macedon annexed Thrace. Gothilas in Getae. Elbius Tuscus in Etruria. 340 BC - Hanno IV the Great in Carthage. Patraus in Paeonia.
  • 338 BC - Artaxerxes IV in Persia & Lower Egypt. Khabbabash revolts in Upper Egypt to 335 BC. 337 BC - Diocles in Sicambria. Gisco in Carthage. 336 BC - Atserk Amen VI / Amani Bakhi in Meroe. Alexander the Great in Macedon. Darius III in Persia & Egypt. Sitalchus in Getae. 335 BC - Cleitus in Illyria.
  • 333 BC - Callestris / Minuthia rules Amazons.
  • 330 BC - Alexander conquers Persia. Hamilcar II in Carthage.
  • 326 BC - Q. Nikaule Hindeke III in Meroe. 325 BC - Q. Martia in Britannia.
  • 323 BC - Philip III & Alexander IV in Macedonia, Perdiccas regent.
  • 321 BC - Sicilius II in Britannia. Dromgethes in Getae. 320 BC - Antipater regent of Macedonia. 319 BC - Polyperchon regent in Macedonia.
  • 317 BC - Cassander regent in Macedon. 316 BC - Bas'u / Baskakeren in Meroe. 315 BC - Grimmerus in Sweden. Audoleon in Paeonia.
  • 311 BC - Satyrus II in Bosphorus. 310 BC - Prytanis, Eumelos in Bosphorus. 309 BC - Roman conquest of Etruria begins; Tyrrhenus II in Etruria. Q. Nikaule Hindeke IV in Meroe. Kimarus in Britannia. Bomilcar in Carthage. 308 BC - Carthage a republic.
  • 306 BC - Labraid Loingsech in Eriu. Antigonus I king in West Asia. 305 BC - Cassander king in Macedonia, Ptolemy I in Egypt, Seleucus in East Asia, Lysimachus in Thrace. Elanius in Britannia. 304 BC - Spartacus III in Bosphorus. 303 BC - Attalon in Fila.
  • 301 BC - Lysimachus in W. Asia.

3rd century BC[]

  • 300 BC - Morindus in Britannia. 299 BC - Awtit Awrara in Meroe. 298 BC - Helenus II in Sicambria. 297 BC - Philip IV; Antipater II & Alexander V in Macedon.
  • 295 BC - Brenner IV in Bavaria. 294 BC - Demetrius I in Macedon.
  • 290 BC - Gorbomen in Britannia. 289 BC - Arkamin II in Meroe. 288 BC - Lysimachus & Pyrrhus in Macedon.
  • 284 BC - Bazan in Sicambria. 283 BC Rome subjects Etruria at 2nd battle of Lake Valdimo.
  • 282 BC - Ptolemy II in Egypt. 281 BC - Antiochus I in Asia. Ptolemy Keraunos in Macedon & Thrace. 280 BC - Archigallus in Britannia. 279 BC - Kal'as II Kalistro in Meroe, Elidurus in Britannia.
  • 276 BC - Archigallus (2) in Britannia.
  • 269 BC - Zuware Nibret II in Meroe.
  • 266 BC - Elidurus (2) in Britannia. 265 BC - Vigenius & Peredurus in Britannia.
  • 253 BC - Sityo in Meroe.
  • 250 BC - Elidur (3) in Britannia.
  • 248 BC - Clodomir I in Sicambria.
  • 246 BC - Raban II, Effra in Fila.
  • 239 BC - Seyfay in Meroe.
  • 230 BC - Nicanor in Sicambria. 229 BC - Rhys in Britannia.
  • 227 BC - Gorviniau II in Britannia. 226 BC - Queen Nikosis Hindeke in Meroe.
  • 216 BC - Ramhay Armin II in Meroe.
  • 206 BC - Filyo Hurnekht in Meroe.